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          The next couple of days you and Kaoru would go on small little dates. Going out for dessert, small walks, and going to the mall after you were done hosting.  Friday was here and it felt like it had come faster than you expected.  You didn't know where Kaoru was going to bring you and he wouldn't tell you. All you knew was that he'd be picking you up at 5:30 p.m. 

You invited Haruhi to your place to stay for the weekend since she'd be home alone and no one would know she'd be at your place if Tamaki went looking for her.  She'd also get some peace and quiet to herself and do what she likes to do, study, read, etc.  You asked her to help you pick out an outfit as well, she agreed although she isn't into fashion. 

When you had gotten home there was a large package in the middle of your room.  The maids brought it up to your room and gave you the letter that came with it.  You opened it and you could tell straight away it was Kaoru's writing.   

"Hey Cutie,

Here are some dresses, shoes, and jewelry for you to pick out for tonight. You can keep everything even if you're not going to wear them tonight.  My mom designed these personally for you. Hope you like them, can't wait to see you tonight. You're going to look stunning <3


You and Haruhi looked through the stuff Kaoru had sent.  Everything was gorgeous.

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Haruhi: Wow Kaoru outdid himself here.

Y/n: I know right he really is the perfect guy!

Haruhi: You're falling for him more and more by the day. I can see it in your face and his too. You both should just make it official you both seem happy together anyways, just do it.

???: You should y/n your friend's right, you know?

You and Haruhi turned around to see who it was and it was Jiro.

Jiro: Hi there, nice to meet you! I'm Jiro!

Haruhi: Hi there I'm Haruhi Fujioka, nice to meet you Jiro.

Y/n: Come join us JJ! (JJ = Jiro)

Jiro closed the door behind him and sat down with you guys. You three started talking and the two of them helped you pick your outfit and everything. They were trying to help and give you advice on how to make the first move even though both of them know nothing about love and stuff like that.  Later on, Kai joined in on your conversation.  The three of them continued talking as you went to go take a shower and start to get ready.  

You got dressed, did your hair and some makeup, and went downstairs. Kaoru would be arriving in 30 minutes or less.  Haruhi said she'd like to cook everyone dinner.  You showed her where all spices, pots, and pans, whatever you need to cook.  You helped Haruhi get all the ingredients she needed, while Jiro helped cut all the veggies, and Kai was just there watching over.  Suddenly the doorbell rang.  Kai went to go open it, and the three of you followed behind.  Kaizen did that overprotective big brother thing.  It went something like this;

 "Come in Kaoru. I hear you're a Hitachiin.  Some ground rules.  

1. Don't make her uncomfortable! 

2. Behave yourself. 

3. Treat her with respect! OPEN THE DOOR FOR HER SHE'S MY LITTLE SISTER!

4. Bring her home before 12! Actually doesn't matter she needs fun, AS LONG AS YOU BRING HER HOME! That's what matters


That last one made both you and Kaoru turn red in embarrassment.  Jiro pitched in too "And if you do anything to hurt her we will hunt you down and make you pay."

Kaoru: I promise to follow all those rules.

Y/n: Stop scaring him, you guys.

Haruhi was laughing quietly to herself.  

Haruhi: Damn Kai-Sempai and Jiro, never knew you two were the overprotective type.  You guys were encouraging Y/n to get with Kaoru and you both said that they make a cute couple.

Jiro: I love Kaoru! Just wanted to do this. I see in those movies those protective brothers and I wanted to see what'd happen!

Kai: Same, plus we can't do it with Ryoko.  She's long gone.

Kai, Jiro, and you looked at each other nodding and letting out a long sigh thinking about all the trouble Ryoko's gotten into and all the bad boys she's dated in the past.  A few seconds of silence later.  Kai and Jiro gave a big hug to Kaoru.  You motioned for Haruhi to join and the five of you had a big bear hug :3.

A few minutes later, "This is for you," Kaoru said handing you a stuffed animal (your favourite animal).  "I LOVE IT! IT'S SO CUTE! It has your eyes," you joked.  

Kaoru: What you gonna name? I know you like naming your friends.

Y/n: Hmmm... Is it a boy or a girl?

Kaoru: Uh girl???

Y/n: OKIE! Hmmm... MEKO! Her name's Meko Muto Hitachiin!

Everyone laughed.  You gave it to Haruhi to keep her company as well as watch after Meko.  Kaoru and you left and headed to wherever you guys were heading.  

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