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(Random stuff I find on Pinterest so Imma just use these at the top)    

     The following day you felt someone shaking you gently and a sleepy raspy voice calling your name.  "Y/n, Y/n wake up Y/n..." the voice said.

You hugged your pillow closer to you and squeezed it tightly and snuggled in closer. "5 more minutes..." you say in a sleepy tone.

"Y/n wake-up," the voice said.

You looked up to see where the voice was coming from and when you opened your eyes you saw Kaoru bright red. His arm was around you and you looked down to see what you thought was the pillow you were holding but it wasn't ... It was Kaoru's waist. You turned red and barrier your face into his chest. You could hear his heart beating faster and faster by the second, but he just chuckled and rubbed your back until you calmed down.  After a few minutes, you got up, "Sorry about that..." you say still embarrassed.

"It's okay," Kaoru replied still red, but a light pink shade now.

"I'm going to go get dressed," you say and Kaoru got up and left the room.  

You brushed your teeth, got dressed, etc, and went down to make breakfast for everyone.  When you got to the kitchen you saw everyone in there.  "MORNING Y/N!" they all say in unison.

Y/n: Morning everyone! How'd you all sleep?

Honey: I had a dream that we all lived in a cake house!

Haruhi: I slept pretty well.

Tamaki: I think we all should do this more often! 

Hikaru: Kaoru you weren't there when I woke up. Where were you?

Honey: Kao- Chan was sleeping with Y/n-Chan!

Everyone had a shocked expression on their face except Kyoya, Mori, and Honey. Tamaki grabbed Kaoru by his shirt and shook him historically saying "YOU SHADEY TWIN! WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY LITTLE GIRL!"

Kaoru yelled back, "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING I SWEAR!"

Hikaru: Are you sure Kaoru? 

Kyoya was writing in his notebook, Haruhi was cooking something, and Mori and Honey just watched.  

Y/n: We didn't do anything, Tamaki! Now let go of Kaoru he's telling the truth.

Tamaki let Kaoru go, and you went to get a glass of water for Kaoru.  

Y/n: What do you guys want to eat? I can make something or take y'all out. Which do you prefer?

Haruhi: It's okay y/n-sempai. I got it. I made breakfast already so you can relax. I know it takes a lot to host something like this and this is my thank you for letting me sleep over.

Y/n: Aww you didn't have to!  Do you need help with anything?  I can go make some coffee or tea, whatever you guys want.

Everyone wanted 'commoners coffee' which you had on hand since it's cheaper and easier and Haruhi said she'd have some tea.  You made everyone their drinks and ate the breakfast Haruhi had made, bacon, eggs, and toast.  There were leftover sweets from the night before and y'all had some of that too. 

After breakfast, Haruhi and you taught the boys how to load the dishwasher.  Y'all decided to go to the mall.  The boys chose the mall you guys were going to.  You didn't really care and Haruhi just wanted to read her book and get as far away from the guys as possible. They chose the mall that was like an hour away! You were sitting beside Kaoru who was on your right, and Haruhi was on the other side next to Hikaru.  Tamaki was at the other end with the others.

Hey Kaoru (Kaoru x Female reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя