Chapter one

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I was walking through a small street while some green twigs from plants hanging above my head brushed over my shoulder. As I stopped I looked at a shop near me. It was gloomy there so they were probably closing already. I gave a look through the window. All the things in there were antiquities. And I liked these. Like record-player or walkman and headphones or even some phones which people used to call with to each other. But what fascinated me the most were posters with cars on the opposite wall. I was quite jealous of people that could drive these in the past on the old mother planet Earth.

  I stopped staring and went away. After a few minutes of walking I got to an iron ladder which I climbed up and got to the roof of a building. Thanks to that, I got such a nice view of the star that enlightened the whole city and our sister planet Vuoria. Today was sunset so it was even prettier to see the sky.

  When I felt down and had the chance, I always went somewhere on the roof so I could watch that beautiful view. It was really relaxing and interesting at the same time because the sky was pretty rich with all the stars and planets. Dark but with a lot of kinds of colours at the same time.

I crawled through a broken window into the old building where I and my friends had a hideaway or something like that. Since we were small kids, we made this place into our comfort place where we spent a lot of our free time. We even slept there sometimes. The only problem was the kind of cold weather some times of the year because we could make it warm in there only with some campfire which wasn't very good for inside of an old building. Especially when there were a couple of other buildings in the area.

  "Hi guys!" I said as I walked on the old iron downstairs. I took down my black backpack from my shoulder and opened it. Dark bottle with liquor ended up on the table in front of an old couch which I was worried would fall apart while we were sitting on it. I then threw the bag on the floor and sat on that couch.

  Girl with long blue hair was watering flowers in hanging flower pots with a very serious look on her face. Her name was Mali and thanks to her it was very green in here. To tell the truth, I was glad she had this hobby because it was more lively here but sometimes she just looked funny when she was here and there, watering everything with that serious expression like her life depended on it. And yeah, she had something she really liked, not like myself who couldn't stay at doing one thing for a longer time. Or maybe I just haven't found that hobby yet.

  "Rayne? Wanna have a match?" someone asked and before I could answer, red boxing gloves fell onto my lap. I looked up at a blond guy who was grinning like some madman. Jasper. With a sigh I took the gloves and stood up and then went after him. We had a small fighting corner or what should I call it. At least we could learn how to defend ourselves.

  After taking down my favorite black robe, I threw it onto the chair near me. I called it like that because it wasn't a hoodie nor a jacket... maybe a coat was more accurate. Then I put on the gloves. Subsequently turning around I looked up at Jasper with raised eyebrows. He wanted a battle so he should get one.

  "Loser will fulfill a wish to the winner," said Jasper with that grin of his playing on his face.

  "Don't act like you already won, Jasper."

  Jasper chuckled but said nothing more. This match could begin. I almost always waited for the first step from my enemy so I could calculate their next steps. And Jasper was the one who never waited. So I struck back and hit him in the chest. We had a rule - never hit each other into the face. Otherwise we would look funny and it wouldn't feel good to laugh. Well, getting hit anywhere else... laughing afterwards is not good either.

  I dodged Jasper's hit from the right and gave him a hit to his back. He stumbled. But in the next second he turned around and attacked me again. He was trying to corner me. And when I tried to hit him he pulled my hand and kicked my feet. Then I fell onto the ground and that made Jasper laugh: "We don't have many rules, right Rayne?"

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