Chapter nine, part 2

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The party had slowly started. Whenever Damien and I got into a conversation that I had no intention of engaging in, it ended up with the person asking about my identity, to which Damien always answered the same thing - that I was his friend. But not only a few people seemed like they didn't believe his words. I got many stares and it didn't even surprise me - if I was from any of those rich families, they would know and since I wasn't...they stared a lot, trying to guess who I was.

  The only thing I liked about the party was the refreshments in a similar variety of desserts from daifuku and dorayaki to runeberg torte from Vuoria to some nanaimo bars, or whatever the name Damien told me was. And the champagne was quite good too, although I was more into whiskey. Fortunately, that weak drink wasn't the only thing they served there, so it eventually stopped bothering me to be there.

  Some time later, the music playing all around started to sound even maybe nicely. Thanks to drinks, I guessed. From time to time I looked over some tables in the room and thought about the people around it. While I felt some sights on me.

  For a few last minutes Damien had a chat with an unknown grandpa and his... grandchild around the age of sixteen, yet the girl was still checking Damien out. I had to roll my eyes when she even grabbed his arm. Why would guy so much older date a fucking kid? Girl, wake up. Okay... let's not go there.

  I rather checked out women in the spacious luxury area around. Almost every one was in some kind of fancy dress, others were in suits of any color which looked hella good on them. Some of them were dancing to slow music with some guys or other women in the center part of the room, so I could look at them and it wouldn't be weird. I had to admit that the guys here didn't look bad either... well, those who were my type looked more interested in other guys.

  "Rayne," I heard someone say next to me so I turned to face Damien with furrowed brows:


  At that moment, I could see that his company had left already and we were alone once again so I took the glass with wine and drank it while waiting for Damien to continue what he wanted to say.

  "Wanna dance?"

  Almost choking to dead I gave him 'are you fucking kidding me' look. This place wasn't a club so dancing here was obviously very different. And not for me either, I would say. So I put down the glass and wanted to shake my head disapprovingly but before I was able to do that, Damien grabbed my hand and led me to the 'dance floor'.

  Damien put one of his hands on my waist and with the other he grabbed my hand and made me move closer to him while I was at loss. All I knew about dances was from clubs which definitely was nothing like this dances for pairs.

  However, after a while I kind of got used to it but still could see some people behind Damien looking at us weirdly. Mostly the females but some younger guys too. I wanted to roll my eyes so much at these people as they were very annoying. I didn't even know what their real problem was.

  Thanks whoever, after two long songs ended, I once again stood behind the high table like before eating another sweet thing while feeling like my insides were turning into sugar at that point. Yeah, I definitely had enough sweets for the next five years.

  Suddenly, I felt a touch on my back and was ready to run after the person in question, but as soon as I turned my head, I only saw Damien with an amused expression: "Wanna go now?"

  "What's the time?" I wondered. I was used to leaving events early in the morning, but up here it was something different, no real fun. No real party.

  "Almost twelve."

  I nodded and picked up the last nanaimo bar that was left on the plate on the table. The thing was really good, and there was a chance that I would never taste it again in my life, so why not have more.

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