Chapter two

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After opening a door, I got into a small flat where I lived with my grandma, my only family who was still alive and about who I knew. Grandma was sitting in an old armchair and tried hard to focus on the words in her book lying in her hands. I sighed and after I changed into my slippers I went to the kitchen counter from where I took her glasses which I handed to her.

  "Thanks, Ryan," she said with a little smile the name of my late father, her son. Sometimes I just didn't have the strength to remind her of me not being her beloved son. Or my mother. She called me by her name sometimes too. But they weren't here for so long already, I couldn't even remember them.

  I took out some eggs from the bag I just brought and some vegetables from a small fridge and put everything on the kitchen counter. Then I started to make lunch - just something easy because it was just two of us, after all. And when I finished, I opened a cabinet and took out two plates on which I put the food. One plate I brought to grandma and with the other one I sat down on a small couch.

  "I'll go out with some friends. Will you be okay here?" I asked as I almost finished the lunch.

  Grandma looked at me and then stood up and went to the kitchen. I only raised my eyebrows in confusion. She could just say that she didn't want me to go out if she didn't want to be alone in here. But after a while, she took out something from a bag and went back to the living room part of this room.

  "Okay, but you have to give these to your friends," she told me as she handed me a box with some sweets. Still with confusion I nodded. Sometimes I didn't know what to think. At times she was totally normal and even cooked and at other times she couldn't do almost anything by herself. Or she was very childish.

  When I finally finished my lunch I took my bag and put the box in there. After a few minutes of walking through the not so small building where our flat was, I finally went out. It was so sunny outside even though it was the rainy season.

On my way to friends I thought to myself that it had been a few days already since that bet with Jesper and he still didn't ask for anything. I was hoping that he had maybe forgotten about it so I could sleep without worries. Otherwise I wasn't very safe. He could think about the biggest bullshit possible. Of course I could disagree but... where would be the fun?


  I rolled my eyes when I met that blond-head by the ladder. Looking at him with a silent question in my eyes I hoped... for him to say nothing and climb up while staying quiet until the end of his life. But that wouldn't be Jasper I knew. Or he must be sick to think as a normal sane person. And so he gave me his happy smile. Grinning, he reminded me of that stupid bet: "Remember? You owe me something."

  Then he turned around and climbed the ladder up. At first I didn't understand why he didn't tell me it out there but, when both of us got through the window inside the building and Jesper took out a pistol, I understood. But not really. In astonishment I asked: "What in the hell you wanna do with that?"

  "You'll go sell it to someone," he said as he shrugged like it was the most normal thing to do. I frowned:

  "Jasper, what is this? You got some problems with money? Or people?"

  But he just tossed his hand as an answer like it was nothing and continued: "Here's address. You have to go among the rich. Let me know if anything happens."

  He then sent me an address, left me with that pistol and went to the couch. I stood still thinking about what part of this I liked least. If it was the fact that I had to sell something illegally instead of my friend who's in who knows what kind of business. Or the fact that I had to go somewhere where those annoying people lived and had to risk so much.

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