6. yappy dog

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Stiles POV:

It was Friday, my third favourite day of the week, after Saturday and Sunday.

We were currently in our last class of the day, double P.E. Against Coaches will, we were doing swimming. Like most normal people, swimming was not my favourite sport.

You stand there in just shorts, —or a rashe— surrounded by other half clothed people waiting to dive into the water and do a lap. The heated pool and close proximity made the air humid and thick enough to cut with a butter knife.  The pool itself was filled with chlorine intoxicated water, and everyones hair wiggling about and all this other stuff I'm not going to name.

I feel bad for the girls and what they wore, these one piece tight undie looking stuff, that just looks painful.

Scott seemed happy to wait his turn and talk to Allison and whoever else was close to him.

Even Percy seemed to grow in this environment. His scarred, tanned skin was practically glowing, his smile big and eyes a bright neon blue. He wore a beaded leather necklace that sat upon his colar bones. I hadn't expected him to be so ... fit, either. He was gangly, but also lean. Broad shoulders and muscled arms.

Lucky duck.

The line shortened quickly and soon it was Scott's turn. Not to be rude, but the last time I saw him swim, he flailed like an eal and had to hop out because of asthma. I was curious to see if he'd gotten better like he did with lacrosse.

Scott dived, his posture stiff, he struggled through the water, his arms moving like tentacles.

He made it to the end and back, he wasn't the best swimmer but he wasn't the worst. Definetly an improvement.

Scott dragged himself up the ladder, breathing deeply as he foot dragged his way to the back of the line.

I moved onto the white box, gripping it as I raised my back into the air. A whistle blew and I dived into the water. Drinking like several litres in.

I floated back to the top, coughing it all back up before beginning the lap. Like Scott, I struggled forward. My arms were heavy and my kicks were slow. I took five breaths instead of one each time I came up, letting my legs move without my arms.

After what felt like years, did I make it back to the end and climb up the ladder to stand, dripping, at the back of the line with Scott, feeling like a deflated balloon.

Percy was next, no one turned to watch, happily talking with their friends. Scott and I watched on as he took his position on the box. The whistle scream and he dived like an eagle. Barely making a splash as he hit the water, he didn't come up for air going straight for the lap. His movements were fluid and easy, almost careless as he glided through the water.

He was already on his way back before I had time to blink. The water seemed to caress him, moving him forward as he pumped his legs up and down creating strong movements.

He slapped his hand on the tiles before scaling up the ladder. And no one knowticed how well he did, no one saw, no one cared.

"Did he come up for any air?" I whispered to Scott.

"I don't remember ... no?" Scott replied. "That was— was brilliant. How did he go so well? I've never seen anyone move like that."

"He's probably half fish." I suggested.

Scott slowly turned his head to look at me, confusion covering his face.

"What? Werewolves exist, why can't fish people?" I snapped.

Scott covered my mouth with a hand, "Shut up."

Percy stood behind us now, a dimpled grin on his face, "swimming is great, do you guys like it?"

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