Returning Home

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ChoCho: (I know what I just saw, did anyone else see, I mean I slammed the door closed immediately. Wait let me look around... Oh no that look on Shikadai's face)
Shikadai: (whispering) I won't tell anyone else.
ChoCho: (whispering) Okay
Iwabe: Why did you slam the door closed, and what are you whispering about.
Shikadai: We were  just talking about how it looked like they were falling asleep in there.
ChoCho: Yeah that's why I slammed the door closed, to wake them up.
Shikadai: Now that I look, it seems like it's time to go home, that's probably why they were falling asleep.
ChoCho: Yeah let's all go home.
Shikadai: Okay open the door again before they fall asleep.
ChoCho: Yes, of course.
(ChoCho slides the door all of the way open for everyone to see Boruto and Sarada standing on opposite sides of the closet.)
Boruto: I heard you talking saying we were falling asleep in here, no way that would happen!
Shikadai: Of course you were falling asleep in there, why else would you guys be in there for over 10 minutes?
Sarada: Boruto, don't lie, why would you even be embarrassed about falling asleep in a dark room like that. Aww is it already your bedtime?
Boruto: Tch whatever, let's just go, you said it was time to leave right ChoCho?
ChoCho: Yeah that's right, I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow at school.
(As Sarada and Boruto walk out of the closet Shikadai whispers to them)
Shikadai: ChoCho and I won't tell anyone, what a shock though!
(Boruto and Sarada blush, and then everyone leaves to go home.)
(At the Uzumaki House)
Boruto: I'm home!
Hinata: Welcome home Boruto!
Himawari: Big-bro's home!
Boruto:Yeah, so what's for dinner?
Himawari: Vegetable Soup!
Boruto: Vegetables?! Well if you cooked it it has to be good, right!
Hinata: You two come sit at the table! It's time to eat!
Himawari: Okay! We're coming!
Boruto: Oh this looks good!
Hinata: So how was Karaoke with your friends?
Boruto: Well, it was fine, but I found something out while I was there.
Hinata: Oh really, and what was that?
Boruto: I didn't know that Inojin was your boyfriend Himawari: How did you find that out!
Hinata: You just now realized?
Boruto: What?! You already knew?
Hinata: Of course, it was so obvious after all!
Himawari: Yeah, we are drawing together all the time after all.
Boruto: I just thought you guys liked drawing!
Himawari: We liked drawing together
Boruto: Whatever.
(At the Uchiha House)
Sarada: Mama! I'm home!
Sakura: Oh, hey! I just finished making dinner! It's curry with rice!
Sarada: Oooh that sounds good.
Sakura: Well come sit down.
Sarada: Okay.
Sakura: So how was karaoke with your classmates?
Sarada: It was fun I guess.
Sakura: You guess? Did something happen?
Sarada: (blushes) No! Nothing happened!
Sakura: Oh, so something did happen! What was it!
Sarada: It doesn't matter! Anyway, do you know the next time dad is coming home from his mission?
Sakura: You know he's still out there doing his studying on that stuff with Kaguya.
Sarada: Yeah I guess you're right.
Sakura: Well it's about time to go to sleep since today is a school day.
Sarada: Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow morning.

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