We're Home

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Boruto: Mom! We're home!
Himawari: And we brought a friend!
Hinata: Welcome home, and welcome Sarada!
Himawari: Sarada's going to play with me. "And we're going to talk about boys."
Sarada: Wait what...
(Himawari drags Sarada to her room.)
Hinata: Well you girls have a good time!
Boruto: Well I guess I'll go to my room...
Hinata: Well don't be too long, I've already started making lunch.
Boruto: Okay Mom.
(Boruto goes to his room.)
Boruto: (Me and Sarada were supposed to be a secret, what am I gonna do now that Hima do me out? There's no way she'll keep her mouth shut about it...)
Boruto: (I need to go into there... but Hima hates it when I come in her room... Well, I have to go anyway.)
(Boruto slowly creeps out of his door, but then Hinata walks by. She then walks into Himawari's room and starts talking with the girls.)
Boruto: Damnit, what am I gonna do now? Ugh, I'll just have to wait...

(Himawari's room.)
Sarada: So, what did you want to talk about?
Himawari: What did I say?
Sarada: ... Boys...
Himawari: That's right!
Sarada: Ugh...
Himawari: So... how did you guys get together?
Serdada: Straight shooter I see...
Himawari: No point in wasting time
Sarada: I guess you're right.
Himawari: So...
Sarada: Fine. So I guess it all started when me and Boruto went to karaoke with friends.
Himawari: Ooh...
Sarada: Well, when we got there, we started singing and doing karaoke stuff, but then someone noticed there was a closet in the room. So we all decided...
(Hinata comes into the room.)
Hinata: Hello, I brought some tea
Himawari: Oh, thank you mom!
Hinata: So, what were you girls taking about?
Sarada: Nothing!
Himawari: Sarada got a new boyfriend!
Sarada: WHAT, NO! I-i...
Hinata: Oh really? Who is it.
Sarada: Wait!
Himawari: Sorry, I can't tell you...
Hinata: Oh, well that's a shame.
Himawari: I'm sure you'll know one day mom.
Hinata: Well it's fine, I guess I'll get out of you girls hair.
Himawari: Okay mom, I'llsee you later!
Hinata: Okay, so you want me to cook you girls lunch?
Himawari: No I think we might go out again later.
Hinata: Okay.
(Hinata walks out of the room and goes back to the living room.)
Himawari: So where were we...
I'm sorry I haven't posted in over a month. My phone broke and I couldn't get a new one until now. I hope you all read the next chapter, it will hopefully come out soon.

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