Too Much To Handle

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(Naruto slammed the door closed)
Naruto: (What the fuck did I just see...)
Hinata: What was that noise? Did something happen?
Naruto: No! No. Everything's fine.
(What am I supposed to do?...)
Boruto: Dad?...
Naruto: Y-yes?
Boruto: You can come in...
Naruto: Okay I'm coming in.
(Naruto sees Boruto sitting on his bed, and Sarada sitting at his desk. Sarada is blushing heavily twiddling her fingers, and Boruto is looking down at the floor)
Naruto: So...
Boruto: Are you going to tell anyone?
Naruto: What?
(Boruto looks up)
Boruto: Are you going to tell anyone?
Naruto: Umm... Should I not...
Boruto: Of course not!
Naruto: Okay, um, first, tell me, how far have you gone.
Boruto: What! Why?
Sarada: Umm, we've never even seen each other naked...
Naruto: Okay, that's good... Uh, I won't tell anyone.
Boruto: Okay... thanks then.
Sarada: I think I'll take my leave now.
Naruto: Yeah, yeah. Ahem.
(Sarada leaves the room and then makes her way out of the house)
Naruto: So uh, what are you going to do?
Boruto: What do you mean?
Naruto: I mean, about everything. Like what about Sarada's parents. What do you think Sasuke will do to you.
Boruto: I-i, don't know...
Naruto: Well, I won't bother you about it for now. I need some time to think. You probably need to think too...
Boruto: Oh... yeah, okay...
(Naruto leaves the room and goes to the living room)
Naruto: (Holy moly. I handled that well right? Was I too lenient. Maybe I shouldn't have acknowledged it at all...)

Waiting For The Sun (BoruSara)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora