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Sarada: (Damn it, I mean I understand where he's coming from, but come on it's Mitsuki. Who the hell is Mitsuki gonna tell, his front door? I don't get why he's so defensive, quite a few people already know...)
Sakura: Sarada!
Sarada: Huh what is it.
Sakura: You didn't hear me?
Sasuke: She said it 3 times
Sarada: What?
Sakura: It's fine, I said, who's invited to your birthday party?
Sarada: I don't know, everyone I guess?
Sakura: Sounds fine, but I heard you and Boruto got into another argument.
Sarada: (Blushes) No it's nothing.
Sakura: Oh come on, you can tell me anything. What happened?
Sarada: It's nothing, I'm going to my room.
(Sarada rushes out of the room.)
Sasuke: What was that all about?
Sakura: I don't know, they always get into arguments.
Sasuke: Well it's my first day back, and I'm not dealing with any unnecessary annoyances.
Sakura: Well she's obviously not in the mood to talk right now.
Sasuke: Then I'll just talk to Boruto.
Sakura: Sasuke, come on, I'm sure it's nothing.
Sasuke: If it's nothing, then Boruto won't mind having a talk.
Sakura: Come on, you don't need to do this.
Sasuke: I'm sure it'll be fine...
Sakura: Well be back before bedtime.
Sasuke: Got it.
(Sasuke leaves and quickly heads to Naruto's house.)
Boruto: What do I do, I don't feel like I'm the one in the wrong.
Shikadai: It's a complex situation.
Boruto: It's not that complex, I just don't want our relationship to get any more public for now.
Shikadai: That's true, but you also have to consider her perspective, Mitsuki is literally the only other person on your team, and Mitsuki almost definitely wouldn't tell anyone.
Boruto: When you put it like that, it sounds bad, but I just want to put a hard cap on who knows, no exceptions, not even close friends.
Shikadai: That makes sense, you're still uncomfortable with telling people right.
Boruto: Yeah, in fact, everyone who knows found out by accident.
Sasuke: Found out what by accident?
Boruto: Wha, when did you get here?
Sasuke: Just a minute ago, I walked in through the front door.
Boruto: Oh, okay.
Shikadai: Well I think it's about time I take my leave.
Boruto: Bro what, fine, see ya later.
Sasuke: So what were you two talking about?
Boruto: Oh, nothing important, is there something you need?
Sasuke: What's wrong with Sarada?
Boruto: (sweating) what do you mean?
Sasuke:My daughter is acting differently than usual.
Boruto: I mean, it was an inside matter, I don't know if I should tell-
Sasuke: I didn't ask.
Boruto: But you just said-
Sasuke: No, I didn't ask. Now tell me.
Boruto: Um...
Sasuke: Or else...
Boruto: So actually... Sarada got into this fight with someone.
Sasuke: With who?
Boruto: Um, her boyfriend.
Sasuke: Her what! Nevermind, who is it.
Boruto: I really can't tell you that.
Sasuke: 5...
Boruto: No please.
Sasuke: 4...
Boruto: I promised.
Sasuke: 3...
Boruto: Come on man.
Sasuke: 2...
Boruto: Threats aren't going to he-
Sasuke: 1...
Boruto: Help, I promised I wouldn't tell any one, please I'm sorry.
Sasuke: Fine, I'll accept it for now, but what does this fight have to do with me you?
Boruto: Okay, so Sarada and her boyfriend got into a fight about who to tell about their relationship.
Sasuke: How so?
Boruto: Well, see her boyfriend doesn't want to tell anyone about their relationship, but she wants to tell one more person.
Sasuke: So why is she angry at you?
Boruto: Because I agreed with her boyfriend.
Sasuke: Who did she want to tell?
Boruto: One of their close mutual friends, someone who would never tell anyone about the relationship.
Sasuke: The why did you agree with her boyfriend? I mean looking at this from an outside view, Sarada is obviously in the right. The person is close friends with both of them right, and he'd never tell anyone.
Boruto: But, the boyfriend just wants to put a hard cap on things, no more people finding out.
Sasuke: I mean sure, but if it's both of their close friend, that person is definitely going to figure it out eventually.
Boruto: I mean, I guess you're right, he's just worried, because he never told anyone about the relationship, everyone who knows found out on accident.
Sasuke: So, why should he even be insecure, Sarada must be an amazing girlfriend, so why would he really care.
Boruto: Yeah, you're right, I think I'll tell her that.
Sasuke: So you two can finally make up, you two have been close since birth you know, you two have always affected each other more than you would think.
Boruto: (blushes) Not really...
Sasuke: Come on, let's go so you can apologize to her in person.
Boruto: Oh okay. Let's go then.

Sorry about the super long wait for a chapter, I have been super busy with school and work, I'm literally writing this at 1:30 in the morning. My girlfriend also broke up with me, so I've been feeling pretty unmotivated, but hopefully more chapters are coming soon! Thank you for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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