Come in

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Boruto: (Okay, I need to calm down. I've been to Sarada's house before. Although not alone with her!)
Sarada: Okay, I just checked really quick, my moms not home! So come on in!)
Boruto: I guess I will...
Sarada: I know you've already seen this stuff before so... Let's go to my room.
Boruto: Your room!
Sarada: Of course, we can't just stay here in the living room, what if my mom catches us?
Boruto: Yeah, you're right...
Sarada: Okay, let's go then...
(Sarada leads Boruto through the living room and to her room.)
Boruto: Well, your room looks nice
Sarada: Oh, thank you.
Boruto: So uhh...
Sarada: How about we go sit on my bed?
Boruto: Okay.
(Sarada and Boruto go to sit down on Sarada's bed together.)
Sarada: Ugh, this is so embarrassing...
Boruto: I know right!
Sarada: I've never been in my room with a boy.
Boruto: The only girls room I've been in was my little sister's.
Sarada: Yeah, but I could tell you were embarrassed...
Boruto: What, how?!
Sarada: Because you've been barely talking!
Boruto: Oh, I'm sorry...
Sarada: No, it's fine.
Boruto: Now that I think about it, you were unusually proactive when we were in the closet.
Sarada: Yeah, I guess I was, though I don't know why.
Boruto: Maybe it was just the moment...
Sarada: Maybe.
Boruto: Though it was a pretty nice moment!
Sarada: Don't say that, you make it sound wierd!
Boruto: How does that sound wierd?
Sarada: I don't know, it just sounds wierd
(That's when the front door started to rattle)
Boruto: What was that!
Sarada: Shit! Mom must be home early!
Boruto: What should I do?
Sarada: Uh, I don't know. Jump out of the window.
Boruto: Yeah okay...
(Boruto then quickly kissed Sarada on the cheek and then jumped out the window.)
Boruto: See you later!
Sarada: (blushes) Yeah, later.
Sakura: Oh, hey Sarada, I swear I heard you talking to someone.
Sarada: No, I was just on my phone.
Sakura: Okay then. Are you okay?
Sarada: Yeah, why?
Sakura: I don't know, you just seem a little red.
Sarada: No I'm fine.
Sakura: Okay, we'll I'll start making dinner since I'm here early.
Sarada: Okay

I wrote this after I posted their chapter because I didn't have the time to before. But as I was writing this chapter, I realized I had passed 100 total reads on this story. So thank you guys!

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