Need to Talk

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Boruto: (Man, this is so lame... I can't believe I'm actually waiting outside of school just for Sarada. Aw man, what if someone sees me? Oh wait, there she is!)
Mitsuki: Hey Boruto.
Boruto: AHH! Mitsuki, where did you come from?
Mitsuki: I was sure you saw me walking towards you.
Boruto: Sorry I must've been distracted.
Mitsuki: What, are you thinking about something?
Boruto: No, no, nothing at all.
Mitsuki: Okay then.
Boruto: Anyways, I have to go!
Mitsuki: Go where?
Boruto: Just to talk to someone.
Mitsuki: Well sure, I'll see you later.
Boruto: Yeah see you later.
Mitsuki: I wonder who he's so eager to talk to.
(Boruto jogs away from Mitsuki, and catches up to Sarada, so he can talk to her.)
Mitsuki: If he was going to talk to Sarada, why couldn't I come too?
Boruto: Hey! Hey Sarada!
Sarada: Hmm. Oh, it's you Boruto.
Boruto: Yeah, it's me. So uh, I wanted to talk about something.
Sarada: Well, okay, what is it?
Boruto: How about we talk somewhere else, like ThunderBurger?
Sarada: Sure I guess...
(Boruto and Sarada walk to ThunderBurger together.)
Sarada: So, I think I have a guess as to what we're gonna be talking about...
Boruto: Really? You seem really calm about it.
Sarada: I guess this means you don't want to do that kind of stuff again. You know, like kissing and stuff...
Boruto: No, of course not. I definitely want to do that stuff again, but we have to talk about something before that.
Sarada: Then what do you want to talk about?
Boruto: Well... I just want to know what this is...
Sarada: What this is?
Boruto: What is this relationship?
Sarada: O-oh, of course. Well I don't know, I've never been in a relationship like this before.
Boruto: Well, me neither...
Sarada: Well, what do you want this relationship to be?
Boruto: I don't know. I mean, I want to do more stuff like we did in the closet, but I don't think I want everyone else to find out about it. It'd ruin your reputation.
Sarada: Your right, it would ruin my reputation.
Boruto: Well damn, you didn't have to say it like that...
Sarada: What, you said it first.
Boruto: Yeah I guess so.
Sarada: How about we just keep it how it is, No one has to know.
Boruto: So some secret lover type thing?
Sarada: Don't put it like that, it makes it sound dirty.
Boruto: Okay then.
Sarada: So earlier, you said you want to do more stuff like we did in the closet right?
Boruto: (blushes) Yeah I guess)
Sarada: Well how about you stop over at my house then?
Boruto: But what if your mom is there?!
Sarada: Trust me, mom is never home that early.
Boruto: O-okay then, let's go!

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