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>pov Ranboo<

,,Hey Tubs..", I whispered quietly and only got a grumpy ,,mh?", in return. Maybe it's not the best idea to start a conversation at 3 am..

I sighed and pulled my Gengar plushie closer.

,,Boo, you wanted my attention, I give it to you, but no I am not enough, no, Your XXXL Pokémon plush made with.. I don't know, extra gay cotton is what you want 💅 okay, alright okay okay, I'll remember that.", Tubbo pouted and sounded a bit more sassy than usual.

,,Sorry sorry.. I just..", I starred but he interrupted me.

,,You just? Huh? Huuh? Sorry you won't get My pokeballs, play with yours."

His sentence was followed by a loooooong Awkward silence.

,,elaborate plea-"

,,LET ME REPHRASE THAT-", he then screamed and I threw my Blanket onto him.

,,Not gonna lie I don't think any amount of rephrase will get you out of that one", I chuckled and he punched me OhhHhhH sOooo paInfUllY I could've fallen out of my chair.
Just that I am laying, on my bed.

,,Ughh Just forget it, What did you wanna say?", he asked and I sighed again, just to then get annoyed at myself for sighing again.

,,Uhhh... Do you like pineapple on bagels?"

,,Dude what the actual Fu-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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