Night Noises

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Warning- Gore and talk of smoking

Still Toby's POV:

I was woken up by Jack shaking me awake again. 

"You need to stop making so much noise when you're asleep." He said. 

"S-sorry.." I said, he sighed and laid back down, his back facing me.
(He HATES you.)
(He'll never feel the same.)
Shut. Up. Let me have this moment with the man I love.
(We're trying to save you from heartbreak, Tobias..)
I don't fucking care.

I scooted a bit closer to him, feeling tears form on my eyes, I blinked them away, and I poked his shoulder, he hummed in response of being poked. 

"Jack... I h-have a ques-question.." I said.

"Then ask." Jack said, sounding a bit annoyed 

"Do...D-Do you he-hate m-me?" I asked quietly, he shifted to face me. 

"No, but I don't like you either. I was told that I had to play nice with you." He said as he turned to fully face me, and I took that opportunity to bury my face in his chest, he stiffened up and sighed after a while and put his arms around me and moved so he was on his back and I was laying on top of him.

Jack's POV:

The brat decided that me turning around would be a good chance to snuggle into my chest, I instantly tensed up. After a few minutes later, I sighed, wrapped my arms around Toby and moved so he was on top of me and I was on my back.

"I th-thought that yo-you were g-going to pu-push me off o-of you" Toby said. 

"Now why would I do that? You're warm and I'm cold. Now go back to bed." I said, as I rubbed his back. He soon fell asleep.

Ace's POV:

I couldn't sleep, so I started walking around, I heard Toby making noises from Jack's room and I instinctively walked the other direction. It was fucking midnight and they're fucking. Just great. I went to the kitchen and I tried to find something to eat. But found nothing that interested me.

I then I went back to my room, found my way to the kitchen that was in my room, I looked in my fridge and found a half eaten kidney that I had been eating a day prior, so I grabbed it and ate it.

I walked over to my bed after I washed my face and hands and I laid down, feeling board so I grabbed my mask and jumped out my window after I grabbed what I needed and left to find a house. It took less then an hour to find a house with at least 4 people inside.

Once I had gotten in, I went through each room silently and heavily mutilated everyone that was in the house. I was satisfied with the 'art' I had created. I grabbed a kitchen knife, stabbed the shit out of the husband and wife, ripped their organs out, ate what I came for, and moved to the daughters room, ripped her head off, ripped out her tongue, ripped open her chest, violently ripped and threw her heart, lungs and rib cage at the wall, took what I needed, ripped out her sexual organs and threw them next to her heart, lungs, and ribcage. I then ripped her eyes out and ate them because why not?

When I got to the sons room, I smiled, he was awake, he saw me, went to scream, but I threw the kitchen knife I had taken from the kitchen and hit him in the throat with it. He instantly died from me hitting the artery that was in his neck. I then proceeded to him what I did to his sister, mother, and father. I did notice that they had a cat, so I'm taking it home.

After I got what I came for, ate, looked through the house, stole what was would need/use. I did find that the son had a collection of cool skulls, so I took them all and I took the medical things that the daughter had, she was a med student... cool.

I continued to look through the house, taking things that we need for the complex. I left after a few more minutes of looking and taking things, I was careful so I didn't get caught while I was going back inside. I put the skulls inside of Toby's room, then I put the pack of cigarettes in Tim's room, I put the video camera that I stole along with the other things that the camera would need in Brian's room, and I put the medical things into Jack's room, along with some of the left over kidneys that I harvested and I left, and went back to my room and fell asleep pretty quickly.

The next morning, I woke up to Tim dragging me to the basement, I wasn't surprised, I've been up and down a lot since I've been here. He threw me into a room, blindfolded me, tied my hands behind my back then I think he left, I'm not sure though.

"Do you think he's been sneaking out and killing?" Brian asked

"Yeah. He's the only other one who knows what type of smokes I like.. and you were in my room last night, so I know it wasn't you." Tim said. I heard them walking over, the blindfold was taken off and I looked at them. 

"Did you go out last night?" Tim asked, I nodded and then I was forced to stand up.

"You do know you're only allowed to do that when its absolutely needed, right?" Brian asked, I shook my head 'yes'. I didn't have the energy to talk. I just wanted sleep. 

"We're not going to torcher you again." Tim said and I felt my arms be released. I was then helped upstairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed onto Tim's sleeve and looked at him. 

"What?" He asked, slightly annoyed.

"... your welcome.. I overheard you t-tell Brian that you were low o-on cigarettes.. so.. I got them for y-you.." I said. He ripped his arm from my grip and walked away. I sat there and he came back with food.

Our Dangerous Love(discontinued)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें