A Fight To Be Fought

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Warning- Violence/Violent acts.

Ace's POV:

I woke up to my heart racing because of a damned nightmare. 'Jesus fuck... they're getting more terrifying.. might have to take this to Slender or someone soon..' I thought as I sat up, went to my bathroom and did my morning routine, changed my clothes, and went down stairs just to be 'greeted' by Lj coming at me. I easily dodged him though, when I turned around, he tackled me. I growled loudly and, again, bit at his throat. My head was held down though, so I couldn't bite him, so I grabbed the kitchen knife that I had brought with me, and stabbed him in the stomach multiple times, then he let me go. I got up and growled again as he stood up and walked away. 

"Pussy." I mumbled to myself as I go to the kitchen to make a sandwich.

When I made my sandwich and ate it, I went outside and saw Tim and Brian talking. I heard someone coming up behind me and I moved when I heard them jump at me. It was fucking Lj, again. I staired down at him as he slowly got back up and charged at me. I, again, moved out of the way, and grabbing my knife again, and waited. He seemed to have healed, but I doubt that he actually was. He tackled me down and we fell past Tim and Brian. A split second later, I felt teeth sink into my shoulder, but I didn't yell out or even make a sound to indicate that I was in pain. I couldn't feel the pain.

I stabbed Lj with my knife in the same place I had stabbed him earlier, and he let me go, I rolled away from him and he attacked me again, this time with a punch, I dodged it easily and stabbed his arm. An axe flew beside my head, I grabbed its handle and got it out of the tree that it had landed in.

Laughing Jack's POV:

I saw an axe fly past Ace's and my head, he instantly grabbed it and pulled it out of the tree it had landed in and he swung it at my arm. I tried to dodge it, but it hit me. 

"FUCK!" I yelled as my arm started bleeding. 'THIS FUCKER!! HE NEARLY CUT MY ARM OFF!!! Oooohh shit... here comes Jeff..' I thought as Jeff tackled Ace, and he kicked Jeff off of him on an instant. I held my arm and I heard gunshots. Ace went down, then I felt my knees hit the ground. 'The little shit put up a damn good fight. He's almost as good as Jack.' I though as I was helped inside, unknowing that I just said my thoughts out loud.

Jack's POV:

I was dragged out of bed by Toby. There was a goddamn, motherfucking, bitch of a fight going on at 7 in the GODDAMN MORNING!

Toby threw his axe, and Ace grabbed and used it to swing at Lj with, and nearly cut his damn arm off. Jeff ran past us and leapt at him. Ace instantly went down and kicked Jeff off of him, and Jeff landed on his side, his eyes widening as he landed on his arm and side, possibly breaking more than one bone. I rushed over when Brian fired his gun twice.

Ace went down, then Lj went down. I ran over to Lj and started to carry him inside as Toby carried Ace inside. 

"The little shit put up a damn good fight. He's almost as good as Jack.." I heard Lj mumble. 'Ace is going to get torched for this... possibly.. I mean.. he- Fuck Ace IS going to be punished for breaking some bones in Jeff, and I bet Tim's going to take his anger and stress out on him...' I thought as Toby, Brian, and I walked to the infirmary.

After a while, I was finished with Ace's shoulder and other wounds. When I went over to Lj, Dr. Smiley was already there doing his job, so I went over to Jeff to help out. Ann was out today, so I had to step in. 

"Please tell me that neither of them will need surgery." Jeff said plainly. 

"They both got lucky that Tim and Brian were able to stop Ace from critically injuring you, Jeff. You shouldn't have ran in like that. They're both demons that can and will kill you. Now I know that I'm not well liked around here either, but you need to understand that Ace can and will kill you of he has to." I explained as I led him to the X-ray room.

"Now lay down so I can get an X-Ray of your ribs. I want to be sure that you don't need surgery." I said as he laid down. I got the machine to where it needed to be, I left the room and took the X-ray. I went back in and moved it so it was over his arm, I left the room again and took the X-ray. I, again, came back, moves the machine away and helped Jeff to a different room. I told him to sit down as I got the results and came back, sighing. 

"You need surgery. One of your ribs is way to close to your lung." I said as I showed him the X-rays.

"Just great. When can I get it over with?" He asked. 

"Whenever you wish." I replied. 

"Now's a good time." Jeff said. I sighed and got Jeff to the surgery side of the infirmary and knocked him out and got to work.

After Jeff surgery, I went over to Ace's bed, he was awake now, the bullet wounds already healing, the bullets on the floor. 

"So, mind telling me why you and Lj fought?" I asked 

"He attacked me first. I was only acting in self defense." Ace replied. 

"You stabbed him twice in the large intestine.. Ace, you broke and forced Jeff into a surgery, you could be punished hugely for this. Even if it was self defense. Tim doesn't care. This complex is different from the mansion." I explained as Tim walked in and looked at Ace.

"He free to leave?" He practically growled. I shook my head no. 

"I still need to do a few things yet." I said. 

"Hurry up then send him down stairs." Tim growled as he left. I looked at Ace, and he was smiling. 

"Why are you smiling?" I asked. 

"I can't feel any type of pain.." he said, his voice just above a whisper as he stood up, and left with only his boxers on. I followed him and brought him to the basement where Tim and Brian were waiting.

"Lj will get his punishment when he wakes up." Brian said as Tim pushed Ace into a room. I shivered as I watched him, 

"Alright.. and.. Ace told me he can't feel pain.." I said as I went back up stairs and back into the infirmary, and I waited until Lj woke up.

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