Chapter 46: Sacrifice

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Once they were back inside the cool of the plant, Jisung asked Jeongin, "Where are they?"

"They're over that way," Jeongin said, pointing toward the center of the building. "The trick is getting to them. This place is built like a rat's maze."

"Fitting," Jisung said. "What are they doing?"

"They're near some breaker-looking things. They're trying to figure out how to shut the grid down.

"It's too late for that," Jisung said. "We've got to get out of here before they discover my mother's gone."

Almost in answer to his words, the shrill scream of a siren sounded, and yellow strobes began flashing in the hallways.

"Too late," Changbin said.

"Run!" Jeongin said.

With his mother in tow, they ran as fast as they could through the long, vacant corridors, winding their way toward their friends. The halls were covered with a metallic, slate-colored material and were lined with stainless steel water pipes about a foot in diameter, spaced six feet apart. They caught sight of the rest of their group in a long, dark hallway halfway from the plant's entrance. Minho was leading, with Hyunjin at his side providing light. They stopped when they saw them approach.

"Min—" Jisung started to say. Suddenly his head felt like it was caught in a clamp. All four of them dropped to their knees. Then Chan shot him and Changbin with electric bolts. Changbin screamed out in pain, but the effect of the electricity on Jisung was the opposite. With renewed strength, he took a deep breath and stood. Even Minho's scrambling was no longer able to affect him.

"It's us!" Jisung shouted.

"Stop!" Seungmin shouted, raising his hands. "It's Jisung!"

"Sorry!" Minho said, clasping his hand over his mouth. "I'm so sorry I didn't know it was you!" He ran to Jisung. "And there are four of you."

"Minho?" his mother said, taking off her helmet.

"Mrs. Han!" Minho said. "They found you."

"What are you doing here?"

"It's a long story," Minho said.

"Your parents are going to kill me," his mother said.

"Hi, Mrs. Han," Seungmin said.

"You too, Seungmin?"

"And a good thing too," Jisung said. "He's saved us more than once."

Seungmin grinned. "Just doing my job."

Chan walked over to Changbin and put out his hand. "Dude, I'm so sorry."

"Really?" Changbin said. "And here I thought I was done being electrocuted by my friends," he groaned as he sat up.

"We thought you were guards," Chan said anxiously.

Changbin looked at him, then started to laugh. He took his hand. "I would have done the same thing."

Felix walked up to Changbin and hugged him. "I'm so glad you made it."

"Me too," Changbin said.

Jisung counted the group. There were ten of them. Two were missing. "Where are Samuel and Chaeryoung?"

"Samuel took Chaeryoung to the mechanical room," Minho said. "She was having trouble walking. He said they'll escape through the pipe if there's trouble."

"Where are we?" Jisung asked.

"We're right under the bowl," Seungmin said. "These pipes are all water mains to cool the grid."

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