Chapter 5; Lament (TW)

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From here on the next chapters in this book will be more horror focused. This is my second time writing horror my first time was a one shot. So we will see how this goes together so (TW) if you don't like blood or anything of the such. This chapter in a whole would be unnerving so if you want to skip go ahead. But I do implore you to read this because it will introduce a big part of the book.




Blood, a sight that Wednesday welcomed with glee. But this was something that she wasn't expecting, blood lining the walls. Dripping down the wallpaper, it's fresh. Chains nailed to the ceiling, a man caged like an animal kneeling in a pool of his own blood. The dark crimson splattered across her boots. She loved blood, but this... this was different. Unnerving, truly. A single light dangling from the ceiling with it's electrical wires exposed. The light blinking every so often. A cold draft is felt, the man coughs, adding to the puddle on the floor. A carcass is the best way she could describe him, a living one. The man slowly lifts his head, his face mauled. His mandible is exposed. She gets a disgusting feeling as she looks at the man. 

"What are you doing here little one?" His voice merely a croak, his vocal cords exposed. The man in a whole, looked half eaten. 

"Where am I? What happened to you?" She looks around, this room even gives her the creeps. 

"The Black Lodge, some place that you should run from, run far and never come back," The chains clink as the man stand shakily, showing her his decaying legs. His skull exposed to the cold air, "I wanted this happen." 

"The Black lodge? You wanted this?" Wednesday takes a few steps back through the puddles of blood. 

"For my god," The man stares ahead at her, his eyes illuminated by the swinging light. His eyes bloodshot and as black as the abyss. 

"Your god? Your god wants this?" She merely gestures with her head. 

"My god may use my flesh as he pleases," He walks towards the wall behind him and scratching at the wall with his bone, "The ritual for my god and his saints is the greatest honor one can have."  

"It doesn't seem very good in my eyes."

"Of course it doesn't, You haven't been touched by his vision. His grace led us to see the greater things in our unbearable lives," The wall is covered with tally marks, some surrounded by blood, some by bone dust. The grinding takes over the room, grind, grind, grind, stop....

All she can do is watch the chained man tremble, his manic laughter takes over. The light blacks out for a mere second. Turning back on, the man now hanging on the wall. The steel nails once holding the nails, now embedded in his wrist. 

"My god.... has.. given me... the greatest," The man stops as he stares at the ceiling, he gets frantic, struggling against the steel nails. The desperation fills Wednesday with confusion, didn't he want this? She watches even though her body is telling her to look away, "Please... Please my lord," He begs and begs, "I don't want to die.." 

She can't take it anymore, she quickly leaves the room. She looks around the hall, maybe she should've stayed in the room. The hall of corpses, she walks through the hall, keeping her eyes straight ahead to the door. She turns her head reaching a window in the hall, she sees a mangled corpse, half eaten. She makes out the corpse to be a woman, the woman's hair perfectly frames her porcelain skin, stained with crimson. Banging can be heard throughout the hall getting Wednesday's attention. 

"The girl! Bring the GIRL!" 

Wednesday looks around, the doors she has passed open, the squelching of footsteps in the puddles of blood echo. The mangled corpses lining the halls, rise albeit slowly. She picks up her pace in the direction she thinks in the way out. Getting out the hall, she's brought into a clean, yet warm reception hall. 

"How may I help you dear?" The woman behind the desk, smiles at the pig tailed girl. Wednesday breathes deeply looking at the woman and the door behind her. 


"Oh silly you my dear, Your dreaming." 

"This isn't a dream or a nightmare. I'm awake I know I am. I was with Y/n and then I went investigating and found a structure in the forest."

The lady giggles, off putting," How can you be so sure?"

"I'm positive." 

"Welcome my dear, to the Black Lodge," The lady smiles, blood falling from her cut mouth. She pushes a clipboard towards Wednesday, "Please fill out this paper work and remember There's always more to something." 




She gasps, sitting up the bed. Y/n sleeping soundly next to her, he gets up slowly as he feels her up, "Cara mia?" 

She only curls up into his chest, breathing heavily. He wraps his arms around her shivering body. He knows that she won't talk about it, the least he can do is comfort her the best he can.  

"Thank you Y/n," She says in a whisper, clinging tighter to him.

"No problem Amor, I'll be here to comfort you and protect you," He kisses the top of her head, rubbing her arm. She falls asleep in his arms, making him smile falling asleep as well. The morning comes and goes,  Wednesday enjoys breakfast with Y/n. Though her mind is on the lodge. She goes to the library, skipping her classes. Her focus is on any information for the Black Lodge. Nothing, she's spent hours and hours looking. Once she feels like she has a lead, it's a dead end.  The text blacked out, she only has one more place she can go for information. 

She waits in the dorm, as Y/n walks in taking off his uniform, "What is it you want to know Amore?" 

"The Black Lodge," He stops and looks at her, a fear is seen in his eyes. Something she's never seen in the eyes of who she believes is the strongest man she knows. 

"Where did you hear about that Wednesday?" He kneels in front her as she sits on the end of the bed. 

"I found what seems to be a branch of it." 

"Wednesday, you must forget about it. This is something even I won't deal with."

"I want to get to the bottom of thi-"

"Promise me Wednesday... Promise me you won't try to find out more," He raises his voice slightly at her. 

"I promise.." 

He smiles shakily and kisses her. He rests his forehead against hers, he controls his fear. Was it a dream?

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