CHAPTER 8; Devils Never Cry (TW)

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I've never been good at fighting scenes so I'm sorry for the trash.

Y/n continues his journey, through the Saints. Killing two so far, one more brutally than the other. He takes a breather laying on the floor next to the corpse of Sloth, he's tired but he has to push on for himself but mainly for Wednesday. He can't let her get hurt, and she may get hurt just because he took a break. He promise her that he will kill for her, he will fulfill that promise. Getting up, opening the door. The chanting echoes through the stair case, descending the stairs. The warm light reaches his eyes, as he looks upon the horror. Bodies hanging from the ceiling, their blood slowly dripping to the floor. 

"Not the best decorations but I guess it will work," He jests trying to make himself feel better. He looks ahead of him at the throne, Pride sits upon it. The remaining Saints stand at the side, with varying degrees of expressions on their faces. Y/n's not surprised, he did just kill two of the Saints. He gets closer to the throne, "Where's the pizza?"

Greed's crackles echo through the room, "He's already becoming more and more infuriating."

"Quiet Greed," Pride's eyes are tired and filled with an emotional that Y/n can't make out, "I see that you got through Lust and Sloth. A pity, they were weakest although better company then these fools."

"Hey! I'm great company you bastard," Envy flicks something at Pride's head, "and besides I asked you to let me kill him already or else we wouldn't have lost Lust or even Sloth." 

"It's what our god ordered, you don't expect me to go against his wishes do you?" Pride's eyes start glowing red making Envy cower in fear shaking their head. Pride looks away, "Pathetic."

  (Little a/n here: all I'm gonna say is that Y/n has white hair for a reason nudge nudge wink wink.)

"So who is next on the chopping block Saints? Stop running away," Y/n cracks his knuckles and stretches a little. 




Wednesday is followed by Y/n's pack, looking for Tyler. He ran away from the Weathervane rather quickly about seeing the pack. Not that she could really blame him for it, Y/n's pack are the strongest werewolves of the next generation, the future royal guard. They've been led to Crackstone's crypt, entering with caution. Wednesday comes face to face with the culprits. 

"Oh Hello Wednesday, finally you're here," Ms. Thornhill greets her with Tyler by her side like the good little dog he is, "Although I see that you come with your hunting dogs."

"Laurel Gates, and her poodle," Wednesday nods at them, the wolves surround them, "These have come to a end. I'll like for this to hurry as I would much rather get back to my Y/n."

"He may be already dead, The Black Lodge isn't something so trivial Wednesday," Laurel smiles, "They were the ones after that helped me awaken Tyler's hyde."

"I figured," Wednesday runs her hand against the cobweb cover walls of the crypt, "Someone such as you couldn't have done it yourself. Although you are severely underestimating mi amor."

"Perhaps but we have our own things to deal with. Especially since you brought yourself here for us," Laurel grabs her sword, trying her best to ignore the wolves at the ready to pounce and rip her jugular. Tyler gets ready for a fight, "We need your blood Wednesday to bring back Joseph Crackstone."

"You aren't getting my blood, you're going to answer for the murders that you have commited," Wednesday grabs her sword that she had one of the pack grab for her. A gift from Y/n, the sharpest blade she's ever since. A blade that shines beautifully under the moon light's veil, she's been enthralled with the blade. Enthralled so much that she has given the blade a name, Moonveil.  The battle starts, the wolves push Tyler who has turned into his hyde form outside. Leaving Laurel and Wednesday inside the crypt, circling each other.

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