Chapter 6; A Light That Died (TW)(M)

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I love writing horror lmao... also I need to stop with reading and listening to SCP stuff.




Wednesday's mind is still on the Black Lodge, and the fear she saw in Y/n's eyes. He knows about the Black lodge and what they do it seems. She wonders how she can get it out of him, she returns to the library hoping to find something she missed. She stops as passes the Edgar Allen statue, the one place she hasn't checked. She looks around, the others are too enthralled in their conversations.  She moves quick, snapping twice and quickly descends the spiral stairs. She searches the books for anything, anything at all about the Black Lodge. She pulls out another book, nothing. She goes to place it back but notices something blocky in the back of the shelf. She grabs it, a recorder, dusty, it's been there for years. She finds the play button, taking a deep breath pressing it. 

[Screams are heard]

January 15th, 1986. I'm Dr. Benjamin Ward. I've infiltrated the Black Lodge, a dangerous cult that seems to worship a god...

[Dr. Ward takes a shakily deep breath]

A god if that being can even be called that. The screams are a regular occasion here, the cult members view it as being favored by their god. I can't understand it, it seems that people here has lost their minds, or what's left of their minds already. The only ones that have seen the 'god' is the saints. The saints take the new recruits somewhere, I don't know where but their screams...Their screams are stomach turning. 

[Loud banging can be heard as the screams stops]

I see, it's that time already. My recording has to stop here. It's the priests that come to 'calm' everyone. I'll figure what happens here and finally leave.. Back to my family, to my son. 

[Data entry stops]

Wednesday stands still, million of thoughts run through her mind. She needs to get to her dorm and write this down. The students never seen Wednesday move so fast in her time here. She ignores Enid sitting on her rainbow throw up bed. She gets her typewriter ready, and gets ready for the next entry. 

[The screams are louder and closer]

February  21th, 1986. It's me again... A lot has happened in this the last month. I've watched and listened to things I never thought I would see with my own eyes. This young lad..

[Dr. Ward pauses as soft sobs are heard]

The  young lad, was cut into bits. The smile on his face was unnerving, I don't know how long I can continue this investigation for. These people are being turned into malformed seraphs. Seraphs, no not the beautiful depictions. The true form of a seraph. The atrocious form of a different body parts from different people. I'll be ending my investigation soon. Soon, if I get out alive. I heard whispers about a grand communion, what ever that means... I have a bad feeling, a very bad feeling. 

[ A loud scream is cut as the recording stops]

"What the fuck are you listening to?" Enid says after the recording ends, from under her blanket.

"Recordings of a man by the name of Dr. Ward." 

"Dr. Ward?" Enid peeks out, grabbing her laptop and walks over to Wednesday with an article pulled up. She runs back to her bed, back under her blanket. Wednesday looks at the article. 

Missing Dr. Ward found, body mangled.

She looks more at the article, and starts the next recording. 

[Loud pants, and the crunch of leaves behind the pants]

This is my last recording. I don't know what day it is. The Grand communion...

[Screams and clicking cuts him off]

Wednesday gets frustrated at the man getting cut off, screams take over the recording. 

[Rustling leaves are heard after the screams die out]

T-t-the Grand C-communion is a w-w-world ending event. A light that died.

[Recording stops]

The Grand Communion, what is it exactly? Wednesday thinks and thinks. She sighs, she didn't want to but she has to go back to him. She gets to his dorm entering without knocking as she always has. His room, torn apart. The shaking mass in the middle of the room, soft sobs come to her ears. 

"Y/n?" She closes the door behind her and slowly walks to him. 

"Leave Wednesday," His voice merely a croak, he sits up getting into his bed. 

"Y/n tell me what's wrong," She straddles him in the bed, holding his wrists. 

He looks at her, a tear stained face, "I don't want you to get hurt.. and the way you're going, you're going to hurt."

"What do you know about the Black Lodge Y/n?" She moves one hand wiping his tears.

"They can make even someone like you puke," His voice soft, his eyes staring into hers, "I don't want you to pursue this any further." 

"I have to Y/n, they could be involved with the monster at festival." 

He sighs deeply, cupping her cold cheek in his hand. She leans into his hand, "If you must... I'll help you with this one but you must promise me, not one of those empty promises." 

"What promise Mon cheri?" She holds his hand tightly. 

"During this investigation, if your life is danger... at any point. You will run away and leave me," He ignores her nails digging into his wrist.

"I don't want to leave you."

"Please, one of us has to live. I want that to be you," He smile softly, "And you have a reputation to uphold Miss Addams." 

"I don't care about that reputation if that means I lose you," She sighs, rubbing his wrist that she was digging her nails into, "B-but if I have to, I promise I will run." 

"Thank you mi amor," He pulls her into a kiss which she returns. 

(Smut train is taking off)

The kiss gets more and more passionate, he tears off her cardigan throwing it somewhere in the destroyed room. She rips his shirt, without breaking the kiss. His claws come out scratching her back through her now ripped to shreds.  They break away, their mouths connected by a thin string of saliva.  His eyes look at her, full of love and lust.  He rips what's left of her shirt off of her tiny frame, he kisses trailing her milky neck. 

She brings him back to her lips, the salty taste from his tears still evident on his lips. She takes off his pants, breaking the kiss only for a mere second before reconnecting their lips together as she slips her panties to the side, slowly getting his cock into her. She bites his bottom lip as she fully gets him inside of her, "Lets make love Amor,"

He smiles, gripping her waist as she starts grinding. She wraps her arms around his neck, their eyes never leave one another's, "I love you Wednesday," her eyes widen as she slows her pace. His eyes start to shake, "Sorry i-it was a bad time for that," he looks away. 

She makes him look at her, her cold hands cupping his face, "I love you too Y/n," She softly kisses him, sending shivers throughout his body and hers. He pushes himself deeper into her, hitting her womb, "Fuck~." 

She quickens her pace ever so slightly, digging her nails into his shoulders. She doesn't know what she will do if she ever loses him. She would be fine losing her family, at least she thinks she would be. But him, she would lose herself without him. She keeps staring into his eyes as she rides him. She can get lost in his icy blue eyes that pierce to her black soul and heart. She moves her hips as she feels his claws dig into her hips. She winces, he stops, "Sorry I didn't mean too."

"It's fine, keep going amore," She smiles as she feels his claws dig into her again. He makes her moves faster and faster, "F-fuck," her legs start shaking, and her nails scratches his shoulders as she cums. Her eyes are half lidded, "We are going until we are both satisfied." 

(Smut train has crashed)

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