Case #1: The Night Will Rain Blood (TW)

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The squad has split up from Devil may cry, Wednesday closely behind Y/n. Her small cold fingers intertwined with his. The street devoid of people, weird for a city at this hour. Eerie, even for Wednesday. Low hanging fog, shrouding the buildings. Not a soul, yet uneasiness is still evident. 

"Stay close to me Wednesday, something is coming," Y/n pulls her closer to him, his eyes trained in front of him. The sound of heavily armored marching rings in their ears, bouncing off the brick and mortar surrounding them. Trying to ever so catch a glimpse of what's coming through the fog. Finally the dull colour of a shield is seen through the fog, then another and another. 

"What is that Y/n?" Wednesday asks as more come through the fog, getting into a formation cutting off the street. 

"Something you can't handle, Wednesday hide," Y/n pushes her towards a building, pushing her inside, "Find somewhere to hide," He closes the door behind him turning his attention to the demonic knights, "I didn't quite get the memo, I left my armor at home sorry fellas," he shrugs his shoulders pulling out Ebony and Ivory letting a few shots ring free, only for them to bounce off the shields. They charge at him going a shield bash making him dodge behind them, "Do all of you not talk?" Slashing at them with the Yamato, staggering them back as he throws one into the rest making them fall like bowling pins, "I like to have conversation when I fight, you know really learn about my opponent. How's their day that sort of thing." 

"Y/n! QUIT SCREWING AROUND!" Wednesday's voice rings out from the building. 

He looks at the building then at the knights, "That's the loudest I've heard her outside of the bedroom," He laughs at himself, sad cause he's the only that will laugh at it. Dashing towards them punching the shield easily cracking it knocking the knight off his feet. Stabbing the Yamato through his chest, Y/n quickly moves on to the next.  

Wednesday steps out of the closet she was hiding in near the door. The sound of fighting, metal against metal has long since vanished. Leaving behind the eerie silence, she opens the door to a sight she wasn't expecting to see. A street filled with the bodies of the demons, her main attention is on the pile of corpses. Y/n sitting atop of it, like a king overseeing his kingdom. The Yamato humming happily as it bathes in the blood of the demons. She stares at him, from the looks of things, he barely broke a sweat. 

"Oh Mi amor, I was just about to come and get you," He jumps off the mound landing in front of her. 

"What are they?" Wednesday looks at the bodies, a weird black substance leaking through the cracks in their armor. 

"The Scudo Angelo, part of the dark knights normally they all follow a general so to speak but I didn't see one." 

She crouches down to the closest one, "Do they always bleed out black goo?" 

He shakes his head, "They're the same of all demon, normally they go kaboom when they die yet," he looks around at the surroundings, "They didn't, troublesome." 

Wednesday takes out a vial and scoops some of the goo inside, capping it quickly, "Is there somewhere I can run test on it?" 

"We can ask Nico if we run into her," She nods at him as they continue their journey to the rendezvous. It's almost as if everyone just up and left. Not a soul, not a single light on in any house, any store. A complete black out besides a few street lights. As they get closer to the rendezvous. A light chant is heard, "That is familiar." 

"Not a good kind familiar," Wednesday peeks around the corner, looking in the middle of the street. 

The chanting gets louder and louder, "For our god, for our king may these souls break your restraints. May their blood bring you nourishment," The group chants as a door kicks open two cultists drag a woman on to the street, "May this woman bear your kin," 

"No! please let me go!" The woman screams and kicks at the cultists, they don't budge as they continue dragging to the makeshift altar, "Utere eius carnem ut producat tuum Kin adducere mundi novi princeps est opus."

"We have to stop them," Wednesday turns to Y/n, he's not there. She frantically looks around for him to notice him running on the roofs, the Yamato already drawn. Jumping down stabbing downwards, piercing one of the Cultist's body straight through. The Cultist leading this ritual starts to run leaving behind the other's as they get cut down. He wears a proud sadistic smile as his companions screaming. He rounds the corner getting hit in the face with the bottom end of a scabbard. 

"Oh it's you, Wednesday Addams the original choice." 

"The original choice?" She tilts her head staring at the Cultist, Moonveil pressed against his neck. 

"Are you saying that Wednesday was the original choice for this?" Y/n appears behind him, slightly unnerved by the never leaving smile. 

"The one my king wanted to bear his kin, but a certain little demon got in the way of the plans," The cultist's eyes fall onto Y/n, the look of wanting to kill filled this man's eyes, "Well I don't have time to spare to dance," He quickly disarms Wednesday pushing Y/n in front of her piercing both of them with Moonveil sticking them to the wall, "I'll take my leave," He leaps of building to building. 

"Fuck that hurt," Y/n groans as Wednesday coughs up blood looking down at the blade piercing her stomach, "Shit Wednesday."

"Don't move Y/n," She says weakly squeezing tightly onto his arm watching her blood pool on the floor. 

"I have to Wednesday, we have to get you back to Nico," He grabs the hilt of Moonveil swiftly pulling it out of them, quickly turning around catching her. He holds her tight, "Hang in there cara mia," he runs full speed to the rendezvous. He internally sighs in relief seeing the Dmc van, "NICO!" he screams landing in front of the van. 

"What is it?" She looks out the window her eyes landing on Wednesday, "Oh shit." 

"Help please," Y/n almost breaks down, Nico moves quickly taking her into the van grabbing everything and anything that can help. 

"Nico what's up with all the blood?" Nero walks into the van, a fist immediately crashes against his cheek sending him back out of the van.  Y/n steps out of the van, his eyes flickering from his normal icy blue to red. A dull white demonic energy shrouds him. Nero gets up and looks at him, "Oh fuck me." 

"If you have just left her out of this," Y/n's voice is distorted, dragging his feet walking towards Nero. Yamato materializing into his hand. 

"What the fuck did Sif give birth to?" Nero spits out blood, gripping tightly onto the Red Queen. 

"The first crossbreed between Demon and Werewolf, well the first that lived past 5," Sif lands next to Nero, "Even I don't know if I could stop him and you managed to piss him off twice."

"Leave mother, I need to kill this dead weight," Y/n appears in between them, sending a full power slash towards Nero, luckily manages to block with Red Queen. The strength cracks the ground beneath their feet, blasting both Sif and Nero again. Y/n drags his feet towards Nero, "This wouldn't have happened." 

"What happened Y/n?" Sif holds her son back, using all of her strength, only managing to slow him slightly. 

"Nes' wouldn't have gotten hurt," Y/n shakes off Sif, dashing towards Nero slashing furiously on his guard. Sif dashes towards the van. 

"Nico how is Wednesday?" She asks frantically. 

"Woah what happened to you Sif?" 

"Hurry and tell me or Nero might actually die."

"She's fine, stable but definitely out of commission for the next coming weeks," Sif nods and runs back out as Y/n pummels Nero to the ground, his fist drenched in blood. 

"Y/n! Wednesday is safe and stable!" She grabs his fist, holding on with every fiber of her being. 

The aura dies down, his eyes return to the icy blue, yet devoid of any life, "Wednesday," He mutters as he falls to the ground passing out. 

Sif sighs in relief, as Nero coughs up more blood, he looks at his sister, "I'm getting too old for this."

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