Case #0- Let's Go All The Way To Hell

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Just a short building chapter for the coming side cases.

After the classes have ended prematurely due to the Black Lodge, Wednesday and Y/n have gone separate ways for the time being. As she goes back to New Jersey and Y/n goes with his mother to city with family history oozing from it's oldest and newest buildings, Redgrave City. The very city many of his mother's side of the family has made their main hub. Y/n can't help but look around, the city is still bustling even after The Qliphoth. Many lives were lost after what his grandfather did, yet many have moved to Redgrave in search of opportunity.

"Not that I mind seeing where you were born Mother, but what are we doing here?" Y/n asks following closely behind Sif. 

"There's some people that want to see you," She says as she turns the corner. Y/n's eyes fall onto the shop at the end of the street. 

"Devil May Cry?" He reads the neon sign as they get closer, "Wait don't me that Trish and Lady want to meet me? You always told them no." 

"Well times have changed Y/n and they aren't the only ones that want to meet you," Sif kicks open the door to the small shop. 

"Damn Sif really? We just fixed that," The short haired brunette sighs shaking her head, The blonde woman just laughs it off. 

"Cmon Lady, we haven't see our precious little Sif in awhile and she even brought her kin," Trish walks swaying her hips, circling Y/n, "I can see why these girls at that little school you go can't get enough of you." 

"Enough Trish, Lady where is he?" Sif asks pulling out a chair, "He's the one that asked to finally meet his nephew." 

"He's on his way, he just had to pick someone up," Lady tosses the rest of her pizza into her mouth, "Luckily it was easy as the family was a client before."  

The sound of screeching tires can be heard catching the attention of the four, "God damn it Nico I told you to take it easy!"

"Calm your shit Nero, we got here didn't we?" A slight pause, "In record time too," The people enter, "My lord Sif is here, I never thought she would show up." 

"Hey sis, nice of you to show up once," Nero tosses the Red Queen to the side. 

"Now Now Nero, she showed up didn't she?" a soft spoken woman lightly smacks his arm.

"At least Kyrie," Nero scoffs, "Hey kid, we brought someone for you," He points behind him to a small Goth looking around outside. 

"Mi cara mia," He smiles as the Goth girl looks at him with a unnoticeable smile.

"Mi diablo," She comes inside and tightly hugs him. 

"Oh that's cute isn't? Pet names for each other. Makes me want to puke," Lady fake vomits. 

"Leave them be, At least the kid made a move instead of taking his sweet time like Nero," Trish jests making Lady die laughing. 

"Enough," Sif says bored and cold," What do you want Nero?" 

"Geez always business with you, what if I just wanted to see my sister for once?' Nero lounges on the couch.

"You never just want to see me, you always want something." 

"Just tell her Nero," Kyrie smiles softly at him as she moves upstairs. 

"Fine, since the incident at Nevermore, more and more demons have been popping up. Including a few high ranking ones," He twirls Blue Rose around his finger. 

"So let me get this straight," Y/n comes back from catching up with Wednesday, "You called us to help you with a growing demon problem and you brought my mate here?"

"Exactly, the kid gets it. I brought Ms. Addams here because she is a rather good investigator. Perhaps she will be able to find the reason to the sudden increase." 

Y/n's blood boils staring at Nero, triggering a smaller form of devil trigger shocking the rest of the people in the room, "You dragged my mate into danger," He says through his gritted teeth trying to hold back. 

"Y/n, stop. We aren't here to fight," Sif says calmly staring at her son. He reminds her of Dante and she doesn't like but he's still her son. He stares at his mother, his eyes flocculating between his icy blue eyes and red, "I mean it Y/n." 

"Yeah listen to mommy," Nero chimes in, making Sif, Trish, and lady stare at him, "What?" He manages to get out before a hand grips his face throwing him with a strength he can't shake. He flies into the van, sending it down the tumbling down the street. 

"Dumbass," Sif face palms and turns to Trish and Lady, "We'll help but Y/n stays with Wednesday at all time." 

"Fair, thank you Sif," Trish smiles as Nero tumbles back into the shop. 

"Jesus kid, give me a warning next time," Nero lays on the floor, "Oh this is nice."

"Shut it old man." 

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