The Mirror of Erised

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The halls of Hogwarts slowly began to grow empty as the students went home for the holidays, while a few stayed behind at the castle. It was the time of year to spend time with friends and family. It used to be the favorite time of the year for Fae. Her friends had moved on with their own lives, having families of their own probably. From time to time, she would write to them to see what they were up to. Fae looked down at the woolen hand knitted scarf that her mother had sent her through owl mail, along with a letter.

"I miss you. I've heard about what's been going on with the dark wizards and recent kidnappings. Have you heard anything from Jacob? Your friends, they have been sending me letters. I'll send them your way when I get the chance. Stay safe and warm.

With lots of love,


Fae chuckled looking down at the letter. It had been a while since she had contacted her friends. She needed to write back to them. With so much going on, she didn't have the time. Her eyes lingered on her brother's name, feeling anger burning in her chest. It was best her mom didn't know what was going on for her own safety. Her brother was no longer. Salazar was stealing his body and is roaming around doing who knows what. She had to stop him. Fae sighed and turned back to her two animal companions.

"Okay, I'm going to step out for a bit." She told them. Fae placed down a bowl of animal food for the two of them. "Happy Christmas. You two stay out of trouble while I'm gone." She smiled and closed the door behind her as she left her room. Dipper turned his head towards the tawny owl who was narrowing its beady eyes down at the niffler. Dipper slapped it's paws down on the animal food, sliding the bowl towards him. It snorted then began to stuff the food into its pouch. Mine! Fae's owl let out an angry screech, using it's talons to grab onto the side of the bowl, now in a tug of war.

Fae yawned as she started her patrols in the hallways, looking for any students who were out of bed, as the night began to grow late, using her wand as a light source. As she was doing her final rounds the library, Fae heard a small click from a door coming from the forbidden section. Fae peered over the corner to see the door, slightly open and walked over to it. She looked inside the room, seeing that it was empty, but a large mirror stood in the center. The moonlight reflected off from the panes of the windows, shining into the mirror's glass. Fae's eyes widen as she saw Harry appearing into thin air as he pulled off the invisibility cloak. It sagged onto the floor behind him and Harry sat down on the floor, resting his arms on his knees as he stared back into the mirror. What was he looking at? There was nothing there. There was something strange about this mirror. Fae frowned as she leaned in closer. The door creaked as she did, startling Harry. He stood up and spun around. He paled when he saw Fae standing by the door.

"Professor Craft, I-I was just-" Harry sputtered nervously, his voice got caught in his throat, realizing that he had been caught. Fae stepped inside the room, heading towards him. "Do you have any idea what time it is? What are you doing up at this hour wandering the corridors?" She questioned Harry. Harry turned back over towards the mirror then walked over to her and pulled Fae's hand, guiding her over to the mirror.

"I need to show you something! Hurry!" He spoke. "I've already showed Ron, but his was different."

"Different? Harry, you are not making any sense." Fae frowned, looking down at him, confused. Harry pointed out towards the mirror.

"What do you you see?" Fae turned back, looking into the mirror. She saw herself and Harry standing next to each other at their reflection before the mirror began to warp as Harry vanished beside her.

Fae's eyes widen as she saw her mother, her dead father, and her brother standing behind her as they were smiling down at her from behind. Fae felt her heart began to beat fast as she laid her eyes on her brother in fear. She looked behind her, only to see nothing was behind her. When she looked back, Fae was shocked to see that her family had vanished and saw that she looked a bit older, a little taller, but still the same. She was wearing a dark green and grey robe and her hair was longer. Fae noticed that she was heavily pregnant as a large baby bump peeked through her dress. Someone else coming up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist, hugging her tightly. Severus. Fae couldn't believe her eyes as she stared back at the reflection. She felt her heart pounding more as she saw Severus smiling slightly as he stared back at her. She longed for that smile wishing for it to be true. Fae backed away a little as Harry watched her, waiting. There was something wrong with this mirror.

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