A Rude Awakening

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Fae could hear voices. She slowly opened her eyes to see that in a dimly lit room. As her eyes became more focused, Fae discovered that she was in the Hospital Wing. she saw the moonlight shine through the windows, seeing that it was nighttime.

Then Faye heard a group of voices, as footsteps approached closer as they entered the room. Fae quickly shut her eyes pretending to be asleep. She opened one slightly, to see three people, McGonagall, Dumbledore, and Snape.

"Severus, are you certain that it was him?" McGonagall asked.

"I know what I bloody saw, Minerva." Severus said.

"If he's really back then it's worst than we've feared." McGonagall said. "We must figure out what would be our next course of action. It's almost close to the time in the school year, for the new students to arrive at Hogwarts."

"We will, Minerva. But, I'm afraid that we'll have to put that aside for now, our guest has awaken." Dumbledore said.

Fae sat up in the bed as the three professors turned to look at her. Dumbledore smiled with his eyes twinkling. Fae frowned looking up at him. That old codger. He knew that she was awake the entire time.

"Miss Craft!" McGonagall asked in relief. "You're awake! I'm glad to see that you're okay. How are you feeling, dear?"

"Fine," Fae simply answered.

"Miss Craft, now that you're awake, why don't you tell us what happened?" Dumbledore asked. "What do you remember?"

"I got your letter, met with Snape at The Three Broomsticks where we met up with Remus. Then there were people dressed in black cloaks who apparated in the pub. I pursued after one of them, leaving Snape and Remus to deal with the other ones. But, when I caught them..." Fae paused.

"Go on, Miss Craft." Dumbledore insisted.

"It was my brother," Fae answered. "It was Jacob."

"Jacob Craft? Are you certain, Fae?" McGonagall asked, worried.

Fae nodded her head. "Yes, professor. It was him," She stated. "But, he was acting strange."

"Strange how?" McGonagall asked.

"His demeanor, he wasn't acting like himself. My brother would never hurt anyonFae He claimed that he was Salazar Slytherin. He also had these strange markings on him, like thorns."

"Fae, It really was Salazar Slytherin." McGonagall tells her. "You're lucky to be alive right now. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for Severus and Remus who came when they did."

Fae's eyes widen in shock. The wizard she fought against was one of the Hogwarts Founders?! A crazy Pureblood fanatic!? And now he's possessing her brother. Fa frowned and bit her bottom lip.

"Please continue Miss Craft." Dumbledore replied.

"We fought and the next thing, Merula showed up. He forced us to fight against each other but Merula resisted and..." Fae realized something. She looked around but didn't see Merula anywhere.

"Where's Merula?" She asked.

The three professors didn't answer her as they silently looked at each other, as grim looks appeared on their faces.

"Where is she?!" Fae exclaimed.

Dumbledore approached her, standing next to the side of the bed. "I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but, Miss Snyde is dead, Miss Craft. She was struck with the killing curse." He said, calmly.

Fae stared at the three professors in silence with disbelief. It wasn't a dream. It really happened. Merula's was really gone. No... She can't be! Fae felt her eyes begin to burn as tears formed.

"You're lying!" Fae cried. "Merula's not dead!"

"Fae -" McGonagall was about to say something but Snape interrupted her.

"Miss Craft, but you must come to face the fact. Miss Snyde is gone." Severus said coldly.

McGonagall shot Snape a glance as she narrowed her eyes. "Severus!" She scolded. "The girl has lost a close friend! Please, at least, show some sympathy."

Snape rolled his eyes and looked away. McGonagall let out an sigh in exasperation. She walked over to Fae and placed a hand on Fae's shoulder, trying to comfort her.

" I'm sorry, my dear." McGonagall said. "You have my condolences."

Fae shook her head and looked down. She gripped the bed sheets tightly with her hands. "She is not dead." Fae mutters.

"We all know that she meant a lot to you." Dumbledore replied. "We will give you some space. Come everyone, Ms. Craft has had a rough night, as have we all."

He and McGonagall walked away while Severus remained behind with Fae. He looked down at the girl to see her weeping and muttering to herself as if in a chant. He approached Fae as he walked to the side of the bed, holding a small vial of a dark purple coloured liquid, in his hand.

"I made a sleeping draught. It'll help you sleep." Severus replied.

Fae stopped and looked at the vial in his hands then turned her head away. "I don't want it." She said.

Suddenly, Fae's head was roughly turned as she felt long fingers grabbed her cheeks. Her eyes were met with angry cold black ones staring back into hers.

"Either you drink it, or I'm going to have to force it down you, your choice?" Severus replied coldly.

"Leave me alone!" Fae shouted, angrily.

"Craft, don't try my patience." Severus growled.

"Just leave me alone! I don't want your stupid potion!" Fae shouted.

Severus pulled out his wand and pointed it Fae. "Petrificus totalus." He said as the spell shot out from his wand.

Fae felt her whole body become solid like stone as she couldn't move. Not a muscle. She was completely powerless. Then Fae warm liquid run down her throat as Severus pressed the vial against her lips.

As the vial was completely empty, Severus stepped back and released the curse from Fae. Sitting up on the bed, Fae coughed violently as she glared up at him.

"You bastard!" She shouted.

Severus lips turned into a smirk. "You'll thank me in the morning," He sneered. "Goodnight, Craft."

Suddenly, Fae's eyes began to feel heavy and soon darkness consumed her. Her whole world went black.

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