The Golden Trio

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Minutes went by, which felt like hours, Fae and Snape were sitting in chairs in Dumbledore's office waiting for him. Fae could feel Snape's eyes burning daggers at the back of her head. She sheepishly glanced over at him. He was furious.

"What?" She asked, sheepishly.

"What?" Snape said. "That's a very interesting question, Craft. Maybe, it's because you destroyed my classroom!"

"I said I was sorry!" Fae shouted. "What more do you want from me?"

Dumbledore walked in, hearing the two argue. "Enough, you two," He said. Then he walked towards them and took a seat in the chair at his desk, facing Snape and Fae. "You both need to settle this now. "

"I'm sorry for blowing up the classroom," Fae said. "I'll try to keep my temper in check."

"Nobody likes a suck up, Craft," Snape retorted.

"Severus," Dumbledore warned.

" Apology accepted," Snape said shaking Fae's hand. "For now."

"That's better," Dumbledore said, smiling. "Now, that's cleared up, Fae, do you mind waiting outside? I still need to discuss something with Severus."

"Sure," Fae said. She stood up and walked out leaving the two wizards alone in the room.

"That girl is insufferable," Snape said.

"Never mind that, Severus," Dumbledore said. "There is something I need to ask you to do for me. "

"What is it?" Snape asked.

"I need you to keep a close watch on Fae," Dumbledore tells him.

"You can't be serious," Snape said.

As Fae waited outside of Dumbledore office, she heard someone calling out to her. She turned around to see Harry, Ron and Hermione as they walked up to her.

"Hi, professor," Harry greeted.

"Hello, Harry," Fae said, with a friendly smile.

Hermione's eyes widen with excitement. "I've read about you, you're Fae Craft! You helped solved the mystery of the cursed vaults wrecking havoc at Hogwarts," Hermione shouted.

Fae turned towards the young witch. "How astute you are, Ms. Granger?" Fae said as she smiled. "You really are the brightest witch of your age. "

Hermione ears turned red as she blushed. Ron rolled his eyes.

"So, what if she did, did you guys forget that she's a Slytherin," Ron said. "I bet she's probably the one who caused it to happen in the first place."

"Ron!" Hermione hissed.

Fae laughed. "Mr. Weasely, I've heard a great deal about you from your family,"

"My family aren't friends with Slytherins," Ron said.

"Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that," Fae smirked. "Ask your parents and brothers." Ron frowned.

"Are you a student?" Harry asked. "You look too young to be a professor, if you don't mind me asking?"

"That is a very personal question, Mr. Potter," Fae said. "How old do you think I am?"

" I'm sorry, professor," Harry stammered. "I was just wondering. It's just that you look like the same age as us. There's no way that you could be a professor."

"It's okay, to be curious, Mr. Potter," Fae smiled. "I'm 18."

Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked at the witch in shock. Fae laughed. "I get that look a lot."

" Why are you with Snape?" Harry asked.

"The answer to your question, is that Dumbledore hired me to help him," Fae said. "To be his assistant in potions."

"Help him? Snape doesn't seem like the one who needs to ask for help," Harry asked confused.

"Yeah, Snape doesn't seem to like anything." Ron said, bitterly.

Fae laughed. "That is a good one!"

Then the trios eyes went wide and immediately went silent. Harry was whispering Fae to stop.

Fae stopped laughing when she bumped into something behind her. Snape.

"S-Snape?! I-We were just -" Fae stammered as she stepped back.

Snape gave her a piercing stare before turned towards Harry. "Potter! Why are you and your friends lurking around in the hallways?"

"Uh, we were -" Harry said.

"Five points from Gryffindor," Snape sneered.

Harry and Ron glared at him before Hermione pulled them away. "Come on, Let's go, " Hermione said. The three Gryffindors left, leaving the two professors alone.

"Snape, I-I wasn't trying to -" Fae stammered.

"Enough, I don't want to hear anymore from you," Snape snapped. "You're coming with me to help clean up the mess you've caused to the classroom. "

"Right, lead the way, Master," Fae smiled nervously and laughs. "Your humble assistant lives to serve you." Snape stared at her for a moment then turned and walked away.

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