Flying Lessons

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Fae was pacing in her room in deep thought. Her two pets watched her as she did, while Dipper happily munched on some treats Fae had set out for the two. How is she going to keep an eye on this Potter kid? She can't just follow him everywhere he went. She is going to look like a creep if she does. Then she stopped as an idea came in her mind.

Fae closed her eyes and she felt herself, shrinking. She felt her clothes slid off from her body. Her face began to stretch as a long snout began to form. Dipper and her owl let out a startled screech. Two pointy ears began to form as well on the top of Fae's head and her hands and feet turned into paws. She opened her eyes to see a long bushy red tail with a white tip. She had turned into her animagus form, a fox.

Fae stretched hunching her back into the air as she did, trying to get accustomed. It has been a while since she have turned. During her time as an auror, she couldn't use her form because she was an unregistered animagus. It would be a one way trip to Azkaban.

Fae turned to her pets to see them staring at her. She sees Dipper began to approach her slowly and began to sniff her. He relaxed when he smelled her scent then rolled onto his back on the floor. Her owl, Hooty, on the other hand, was eyeing her with an look in terror and started shrieking fearfully.

Fae rolled her eyes and walked out of her room, passing by some baffled and confused students as she did.

Outside, Fae walked towards the training yard where flying classes take place. She hid in a dark corner of the castle and laid down in the shade, watching.

Madame Hooch walked by and greeted the class. "Welcome to your first flying lesson. Well, what are you waiting for?" Madame Hooch instructed. "Everyone step up to the left side of their broomstick. Come on now, hurry up! "

Everyone does what she said, standing beside their brooms.

"Stick your right hand over the broom and say "up."

Some students were struggling to get their brooms to fly into their hands as they shouted "Up!" Harry's immediately flew into his on the first try. Hermione gives him a look in shock. Then Malfoy manages to get his broom. Ron, on the other hand, had his face smacked by the end of his broom, as well as some of the other students. Fae snickered as she watched. Eventually, everyone had their brooms in their hands waiting for Madame Hooch's next instructions.

"Now, once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it and grip it tight. You don't want to be sliding off the end."

Everyone does so and Madame Hooch pulls out a whistle.

"When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground hard. Keep your broom steady, hover for a moment, then lean forward slightly, and touch back down. On my whistle: Three, two-" But, before she could blow, Neville's broom began to slowly lift him into the air. Everyone watched, startled and alarmed as to what was happening.

"Mr. Longbottom?" Madame Hooch exclaimed in confusion. "Mr. Longbottom!"

Neville broom suddenly takes off soaring high into the air. "Come back down this instant!" Madame Hooch shouted. The broom started to spiral out of control and Neville collided into the side of the building with his broom then it started darting downwards heading straight towards the class. Everyone jumped and dodged out of the way as it came towards them. Neville flew upwards until his robe got caught on a statue, knocking him off his broom. Now, he was dangling dangerously high above the ground. His robe ripped and he falls getting caught on a brazier then dropped again.

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