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 Fae stared at the man in pure disbelief. "Brother?!" She couldn't believe what she was seeing in front of her. His long brown hair reached past his shoulders, Her eyes stopped when she saw the strange markings that looked like thorns which almost covered his entire face. Then she looked at his eyes that were once pale blue, were now blood red void with any emotion.

Jacob silently pointed his wand at her.

"Crucio." He mutters, coldly.

Suddenly, it felt like a thousand knives pierced had through Fae's body, burning. Her eyes widen and screamed in pain and fell to the ground. Fae gritted her teeth and her nails dug into the ground as she curled her body, gripping her wand tightly in her other hand. After what felt like a eternity, the pain slowly faded away.

Fae panted and her arms shaking as she tries to stand up. She glared up at him as she managed to get back on her feet again.

"Bombarda!" Fae quickly moved out of the way and without thinking she ran. Jacob casted spells out at her relentlessly until she managed to take cover behind a stone pillar. She clutched her wand to her chest. She jumped out from behind the pillar, blocking a curse as she did, pointing her wand directly at him.

"Why are you doing this, Jacob?!" Fae screamed. "Please, stop! I don't want to fight you!"

Fae heard him snicker and "Oh, sweet little Fae. I wouldn't want to fight me, neither."

"What happened to you?!" Fae yells "I don't know who you are, but you're not my brother! He wouldn't do this!"

"Fae, how wrong you are..." Jacob sneered "I'm not your brother."

Severus and Remus incapacitated and tied up the other cloaked figures. "Severus, these are the missing people." One of them growls struggling to get out of from their bindings.

"They must be under the imperious curse." Remus explained.

Severus walked up to them and yanked their hood off pointing his wand at their face. A woman with short messy wavy brown hair with an orange spot on her bangs on the right side, glared back at him.

"Miss Snyde."

Her violet eyes stared up at him as she struggled with her bindings "You're all going to die! All of you filthy blood traitors!"

"Salazar Slytherin shall rise again!" Merula exclaimed. Suddenly, Severus was blasted and knocked down by a nonverbal spell.

Not wasting a second, Merula quickly snatches her wand back and released herself from her bindings and disapparated.

"Severus!" Remus calls out. He bent down and tries to help the wizard up but Severus glares at him making Remus reel his hand back as if he'd burned it. Severus stood on his own. But, secretly inside, he was furious that he'd let his guard down so easily. He turns to Remus.

"I will go and get Craft. Take these people back to the ministry." Severus growls.

"What do you mean that you're not my brother?" Fae asks, still pointing her wand at him.

Jacob laughs "That fool, when he found and opened the cursed vaults. What he didn't know, was that he released me as well. Every vault that he opened, I hid a part of my soul in. So, I took possession of his body." He laughs maliciously.

"Who are you?" Fae asked.

"I am the founder of the Slytherin house, Salazar Slytherin." He sneers.

"Master!" A voice calls out.

Suddenly, Merula apparates in between them, standing in front of Salazar.

"Merula?" Fae looks at the witch with disbelief.

Salazar smirks "Such a pretty little thing. As soon as she saw me, she mistook me for that boy. She does make a wonderful puppet, so very obedient." He said as he wraps his arm around Merula's waist and cups her cheeks.

"Don't touch her!" Fae growls. Salazar looks at the witch then makes a sickening smile. He turns to Merula and leans in whispered into her ear.

Salazar said something an language that Fae couldn't understand but it made her blood turn to ice.

"Kill her."

Merula turns to Fae and points her wand directly at her approaching her slowly. Fae lowers hers and shakes her head. She couldn't hurt her. She didn't want to fight her. "Merula, please. " Fae mutters.

Merula raised her wand aiming it at Fae's face "Avada -" But she didn't finish the spell. Merula falters, lowering her wand, and stepped back gripping her head "No." She growls shutting her eyes tightly "Get out of my head. I won't do it!" Salazar said something again and Merula struggles, gritting her teeth. She shakes her head "No!"

"Merula!" Fae shouted

Salazar frowns with disappointment then raises his wand "Then you have no further use for me." He said.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Fae pushed Merula out of the way and quickly raised her wand "Expelliarmus!" The two spells collided with each other one trying to push the other back. Fae looked down to see her wand cracking even more until it finally snap s and breaks. Salazar's spell came straight at her. Fae could only watch as then spell directly at her, completely helpless.

Then before she could blink, Merula jumped in front of her and the spell hits her on her back. Fae's heart stopped as she saw Merula fall forwards. She felt her lips against another as Merula kissed her until her hand slid off Fae's shoulders and her body hits then ground with a thud.

Fae felt as if the whole world shattered around her. She couldn't breathe. Her legs slumped to the ground and she picked Merula up in her arms. She tried to shake her awake but the witch didn't move. Tears began to flow down Fae's cheeks as she hugged Merula close to her tightly.

Then the next thing she saw was red. Fae reached down and grabbed Merula's wand casting spell after spells relentlessly at Salazar but he blocks each one effortlessly. He sneers "So much hate, from a young witch." He taunts.

Fae snarls at him "Shut up!" She shouted.

Before she could react, Severus apparated in front of her standing in between them. Then aurors came surrounding them pointing their wands at Salazar.

Salazar lowers his wand "A new age of wizardry is coming." He snickers then disapparated.

The next thing Fae knew, her vision went black and she collapsed onto the ground.

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