First Potions Class

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After the feast was over, and all the students were sorted into their house and sent to their common rooms. Fae walked down the dark hallways of the dungeon but she wasn't alone as she heard footsteps following not too far behind her, Snape.

"So," She heard his monotonous voice from behind her as they walked. "Do you want to tell me what was up with that little stunt in the Great Hall?"

"It was nothing," Fae answered.

"Nothing?" Snape pressed. "Didn't seem like nothing by the way you were acting."

"I don't see why it's any concern of yours!" Fae hissed.

Snape reached out and grabbed the witch by her shoulder, stopping her. "It my concern, if you're going to faint for no reason," Snape said. "You are part of Hogwarts staff need I remind you. Dumbledore needs everyone at their best, considering what's happening right now. "

In an instant, Fae quickly turned around facing Snape narrowing her eyes at him. "Just keep your big nose out of my business. And I'll keep mine out of yours, just like you wanted," She brushed Snape's hand off of her. "Now, Leave me alone."

"Craft -" Fae opened the door to her room and walked in.

"Goodnight, Professor!" Fae shouted, angrily, as she slammed the door on Snape's face.

"Your fault!"

" No..., "

"Merula, is dead because of you."


"It shouldn't have been you, instead."

Crack! Fae could hear something break in her room. Then she felt a sharp prick as something bit her hand. She shot up from the bed. "OW!" She looked down to see that it was Dipper as she saw him still clamped to her hand. "Why you little -!"

Then she saw her owl screeching hysterically and looked to see that the widow had been shattered as the pieces were lying on the floor.

Fae got up and walked closer to the window, being careful not to step on the glass with her bare feet.

She turned to her owl and niffler. "Look what you did!" She scolded. Her owl and Dipper both gave her glares and puffed out their chests. They both gave her a "We didn't do it" look. Fae pinched the bridge of her nose. She pulled out her wand and casted a fixing spell on the window. "Reparo." The shards of glass flew back into play piece by piece and the window was fixed as if it was never broken.

Fae looked back towards the two animals. "I don't have time for this, you two. I'm already-Wait, a minute, morning?" She paused for a second, looking out the window seeing the light of the sun shining in. Her eyes widen in recognition.

"I'M LATE!!!" Fae exclaimed.

She scrambled around pulling on her shirt and and pants before putting on her robe. Fae quickly ran to the door opening it and ran out, leaving her two pets behind.

In the potions classroom, the students gathered sitting at the tables, chatting loudly. Suddenly, the door flung open and it banged against the wall. Everyone immediately went silent, wide eyes staring at Snape as he strode into the classroom. He turned around and faced the students. "There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class, as such I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion making-"

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