
18 0 0

1991, Hogsmeade

Dear Ms. Craft,I have sent this letter in hopes that you would consider in helping. Strange incidents have been occurring involving disappearances and I fear that they're getting closer to Hogwarts. We need someone of your talents to investigate on this matter. Someone will also be accompanying you to meet with your informant. The meeting will take place at the Three Broomsticks at midnight.P.S. You still have not responded on my other offer. Hogwarts is looking for a staff for the Defense Against the Dark Arts. Please reconsider it. I will awaiting your owl for your response.Sincerely,Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

In the pub, a woman no younger then 18 sat in a chair away from everyone else. Fae took a sip of her fire whiskey and slammed the glass down on the counter. She glanced over the letter again before crumbling it up. She casted windgardium leviosa on it making the crumpled ball float.

"Incendio." Fae mutters as she downed another drink from her glass.

The letter began to catch ablaze and disintegrated into ash. She shakes her head and snorted. He just doesn't give up. This was the fifteenth letter this week that she received from Dumbledore. Then her thoughts began to drift of her memories from Hogwarts. Becoming a prefect, hanging out with her friends in the grand hall, playing gobstones with them, kicking Merula's butt in wizard duels.

Fae's lips curled into a smile and she snickers. She sighs, downing another drink. Merula...I wonder what's she's doing now... She swirled her drink in her glass, still lost deep in her thoughts. Her vision began to get blurry, slightly spinning and the noise from the other customers in the pub began to fade in and out as she was starting to get drunker.

She heard someone clear their throat from behind her and turned around, nearly falling out of seat as she did, to see who it was.

Green eyes met with black as they stared back into hers, drawing her into them as if they were staring into her soul. A tall man with a crooked nose, long greasy black hair, dressed in black, and a long cloak which gave him the appearance of a bat, stared down at her in slightly annoyed as if he had began calling out to her for awhile. She felt her heart skipped a beat.

She first laid eyes on him sitting with the teachers during her first year at Hogwarts at the sorting ceremony "Severus." Fae slurred. She felt her cheeks grew got as she blushed.

Severus sneered "Oh, nice to see that your ears do work for a change, Miss Craft. Not that you ever listened to begin with." He said, agitated.

"And you're still the sour and bitter professor who still teaches potions class." Fae said, sarcastically as she smirked.

Severus frowned "I see you're still the same mouthy little brat." He said.

Fae glared up at him "I'm not a brat anymore, Sev." She tells him.

Severus eyes widen in shock. There was only one person who would ever call him that. He was furious. How dare she?!

"Don't call me that. Ever." He said, coldly

Fae raises an eyebrow taken back by his sudden attitude "What? Did I struck a nerve?" She retorts

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