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Six-year-old Leonardo watches as his parents hold his new baby brother, whom they named Michelangelo, as his other two brothers stand behind him.

"He is precious, Yoshi," Shen says to her husband.

"Indeed he is" Yoshi agrees.

Six-year-old Raphael stands with his five-year-old brother Donatello, watching with Leonardo as a nurse takes Mikey in her arms.

"What's going on, mommy," Leo asks.

"The nurse is taking your brother to do some check-up, my son" Shen answers.

The boys seem to understand a little as the nurse takes Baby Michelangelo to get some checkups.

Yoshi had taken the boys to the restroom so that Shen could rest.

The boys and Yoshi come back with food for them all and Shen as well.

When they come back, a baby is in the room and Shen is sleeping.

"Shen, wake up, my love," Yoshi says as the boys get closer to look at the baby.

Shen wakes up.

"Has the baby returned?" She asks.

"Yes. They brought him back" Yoshi answered.

"Daddy. Is this our brother?" Leonardo question.

Yoshi and Shen became confused at the question.

Yoshi goes to check on the bay, who slowly opens his eyes.

The father remembers the eyes being baby blue and the baby having freckles but this baby has neither one.

"Yoshi, what's wrong?" Shen asks.

Yoshi looks at his wife,

"This is not Michelangelo"

Hours have passed, and the parents have talked to the police and the person in charge of the Hospital. Unfortunately, nobody in the hospital knew anything or even noticed.

The baby is now in the care of the Foster system.

Shen has not stopped crying since finding out that her new baby is now missing.

The kids watch and they're upset as well, they were excited to have a new baby brother.

*7 years Later*

Thirteen-year-old Leonardo and Raphael and their twelve-year-old brother Donatello stand outside the door of a hospital room.

Yoshi opens the door and lets the boys in.

The boys see their mother, laying on the hospital bed, with IV connected to her, and machines as well.

For the past four years, Shen has been fighting against cancer, being in and out of the hospital, and getting treatments but unfortunately, her cancer has gotten worst and Shen does not have a lot of time left.

Shen looks pale, her hair is gone, and has lost tons of weight due to the treatments and cancer but despite all that, she has not stopped looking for her baby Michelangelo, even on her worst days.

"Hello, boys," She says.

"Hey, mom," Donnie says.

"Hello, Mother," Leo said.

Raph doesn't say anything as he can't even look at his mother.

"Raphael, come here, my son," She says.

Raph does so and Shen grabs his hand.

"My son, look at me," She says.

Raphael does so.

"It will all be okay. I may be gone from this world but I will always be here in spirit" Shen tells her son, who is trying to fight the tears in his eyes.

Leo and Donnie get close to the bed to be with their mother.

Shen smiles at the sight of her other two boys.

"Boys, Promise me something" She starts and the boys nod, listening.

"Promise me that you will always protect each other, no matter what, and help your father," She says.

The boys promise their mother.

Shen turns to her husband, who is on the other side of the bed.

"Yoshi" Shen starts but starts coughing.

"Easy, my love," Yoshi says.

"Yoshi, promise me that you will find Michelangelo and bring him home" Shen pleads.

"I promise, Shen. I promise" Yoshi tells his wife.

Shen softly closes her eyes and a minute later, a flatline can be heard.

Yoshi lowers his head in sadness.

Leo holds a crying Donnie close to him.

Raph looks away from his family, trying not to cry, having his hands into a fist.

We promise, mom.

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