Time to end this pt2

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Everyone stands still, waiting for someone to make their first move.

That was until Hammer started firing his blasters from his suit.

Donnie and Leo quickly jump to help April and Mikey to get out of the way.

Raph and Kara go after the Fulci brothers.

Saki and Yoshi go after The Hammer who's in his suit.

"Nice of you to make an appearance," April says.

"Well we had to plan things out" Donnie responds.

Both, he and Leo, take their kunai out and cut April and Mikey's ropes.

"You two okay?" Leo ask.

"Kind of" Mikey responds.

"April, get Mikey out of here. We'll deal with Vizioso and his goons" Leo tells her.

April nods, quickly taking Mikey's hand, and runs out quickly to the exit.

One of the twins notices and is about to shoot one of them but Raphael kicks him in the stomach.

"Don't even try" Raph warns him

Mikey looks back, shocked at what is happening.

Once April and Mikey are out, Leo and Donnie help the others.

The Fulci brothers try to shoot at the Hamato brothers and cousins but appear to be too fast and would not stay in one place.

Meanwhile, Yoshi and Saki continue fighting against The Hammer, who's in the suit and who's trying to hit the two ninja masters but they are too quick.

"Stand still for the hammer," The Hammer says as he keeps on trying to hit the two men.

Saki and Yoshi nod at each other and attack Hammer at the same time.

The Hammer tries to hit each one but Saki and Yoshi move so fast that The Hammer's suit starts spinning around and ends up tripping, falling to the ground

Hammer, who couldn't get the suit to get up, crawled out of it and stood in front of Yoshi and Saki.

The hammer takes out a gold hammer and attacks them.

Saki quickly knocks the hammer out of the guy's hand and numbs his arm. Yoshi kicks The Hammer to the wall, knocking him out.

The brothers reunite with their children.

"You think you won?!" Vizioso asks/yelling, taking out his gun.

"It is over, Vizioso. Stand down" Saki tells him

"No! It will never be over!" Vizioso tells out

Last chance. Stand down

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