Family Reunion pt 2

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When the Hamato family returns home, the phone starts ringing and it's a police officer explaining that Micheal was found and what hospital he's at.

Once they reach the hospital (they have different clothes and out of their ninja suits), they meet up with April's dad, Kirby O'Neil.

Before Yoshi can talk to him, a police officer comes up to him.

"Mr. Hamato. The doctors are checking on Micheal" The officer said.

"What happened to him, officer?" Yoshi asked. Even though he knows but asks to not make it seem suspicious.

"We responded to a call and when we searched the place, we found Micheal in a room with another missing teen. Do you know an April O'Neil?" The officer responded and asked.

"We know April O'Neil. What happened to them?" Yoshi asks.

"They both have some bruises but we are not sure yet. We arrested the ones who we believe are to be responsible" The officer responded.

"Can we see Micheal?" Leonardo ask.

"The doctor will be with you in a moment. I have some questions to ask you, Mr. Hamato" the officer responded.

Yoshi nods and goes with the officer to respond to the questions.

A few minutes later, a doctor comes to the lobby,

"Family of Micheal?" The doctor asks.

Leonardo steps forward to the doctor as the family watches and listens.

"That's us. How is he?" Leonardo ask.

"He has some scrapes and bruises but nothing major. He can be released to go home" the doctor responded.

"Can we see him?" Donatello asks.

The doctor nods and leads them to what room he's in.

Once they entered the room, they saw Mikey in the room.

Michelangelo sees them and quickly smiles.

"Hey!" He says.

Mikey hugs each one of his family members.

"Where's dad?" He asks.

"Dad is answering some questions with the police" Leonardo responds.

"Questions? They think he did something wrong?" Mikey asks.

"Of course not, bro. It's just probably about you disappearing" Raph answered.

As the family talk, April walks in.

"Hey, guys," she says.

"Hey, April. How are you feeling?" Donnie ask.

"I'm doing okay. The doctor said I have nothing serious so I can go home" April responds.

"So why did they take you, April? You had nothing to do with what has been going on?" Karai asks.

"They only took me to get information on Micheal even though I just met him at school" April responded.

"Well, at least we're safe and Visiozo is in jail," Mikey says.

The family couldn't agree more.

Vizioso is gone.

Family is safe

Most importantly,

Michelangelo is back.

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