First day of school

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Mikey look out the window of the car as Yoshi drives him to school.

"It will be alright, Micheal" Yoshi said, trying to calm the child down.

"I'm just nervous, I haven't been in school since I left to look for my family" Micheal answered.

Yoshi was about to speak when he notice the school.

"We are here, Michael" Yoshi said.

"Thank you, sir" Micheal said.

"You can call me Yoshi" Yoshi said.

"Okay, Yoshi" Mikey said and got out of the car.

He looks at the school and sigh.

Let's us see this year, shall we?

Here's the new chapter.
New one coming up.

Tmnt: finding my familyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora