Earlier that day

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Micheal quickly closes the door of his room.

Who was the baby?

Why did Raph get angry?

He tried to get questions out of his mind but he has so many questions.

His phone dings and sees a message.

Hey, Micheal. Wanna hang?

It was from April, the girl from school.

"Nobody will notice me being gone," He said and grab his sweater.

Micheal opens his window and gets out of his room through his window.

He goes to the address that was given to him by April.

I'll be back before anyone notices.

I'm sure of it.

Another view...

"Good job, kid," A guy said as he put the phone away.

"Yea. That kid is so dumb, he'll fall for it" A second guy said as he holds a gun to someone's back.

"Why are you doing this," The person asked.

"It's something our master has planned," The first guy said.

"And that is?" The person asks.

"You will see" the Second guy answered, still having that gun on the person's back.

"Now tell us what you know about Micheal"

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