-2- This is why I hate buses

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Nightfall... Huh ...

After receiving the letter , Aunt couldn't control herself . I swear I'm dealing with a child .

She told me to pack my stuff and didn't shut the fuck up about everything from the welcoming to meeting people.

I roll my eyes .

" Don't forget to sign the book " Aunt explained. " It's important you do . " .

I'm not going to question that ....

I finished packing and decided to wait four more hours before the bus arrives.

What to do ? What to do ?

I know ....

I pick up my phone and called my bestie Aaron. The dial tone rings as I hear him pick it up from his end .

" Yo Akira " My nerdy bestie says as I hear him play his game though the speaker .

" Hey what's up " I said trying to distract myself.

Aaron swears as he lost a round of Apex. " Besides losing a game I'm not gonna rage them " as I laugh at his attempt to stay calm .

" Oh really " I taunt slightly.

" Don't push it Akira and I'm in the middle...."

" I know you're streaming "

" Fuck " Aaron said as I watch his reaction.

Since I was five , Aaron has always been there . From the best times like him winning his gaming comp in San Francisco to our worse by me ending up in hospital.

If have a friend who doesn't judge you for anything then your lucky . To me Aaron is the one that does both . Judge and be a pain in my butt.

" How about you join in ?" Aaron said since he knew I'm watching him which his chat is going crazy saying ' join ' also .

Couldn't say no since I won't see him for a while .


Damn Aaron !! He had to make me play for almost three hours.  I swear I'm gonna kick him when I see his face .

If I didn't stop I would miss the bus and I would be in trouble.

Cold air hits my skin as in the distance bright lights approaches fast .

Shit ....

The bus stops as a foggy haze covers it's black exterior. I wait for the doors to open with my suitcase in hand .

Door opens as more fog comes out which only showed a shadow figure in the driver's seat .

"Next stop " The figure growling hits my ears. " Nightfall" .

I get on as the door slams behind me .

" Letter please " Figure asked me .

I show the letter .

" You may sit down" Figure says as I head for my seat .

I really hate buses.


Stay tuned 😜

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