-9- Intermission: Akira vs Medusa( Part Three )

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Akira walked into the dark woods ready to face Medusa. Her eyes glowing with rage and hunger . Fangs bared as she confronts the evil goddess.

I'm killing her .... No one can stop me . She's so dead ....

Her thoughts only on the kill . Akira sees Medusa and her so called men in black in the centre.

" You bitch !" I say walking into view. " You want me dead ... " 

Medusa laughs at me . " Oh a lot more than that my dear !!! ..." She walks up to me and waves her men to get out of our way .

Two powerful beings are about to face off . One who's a goddess and the other who carries the Dracula Bloodline. Each have their advantages but its the matter of time before they lose .

Akira has to think quickly to win this fight so she can return to her friends . Even though she prevented their help , she still wants to enjoy her school life .

Medusa makes the first move summoning her stone minions to attack Akira which in response Akira strikes them in half.

" Really stone " I bared my fangs . " Highly stupid to do that " . I call upon my sword as it appears in my hand .

In the Dracula legend, Dracula himself always fought with a sword which enhances fight and defence capabilities.

Now Akira herself has inherited that sword ,The Sword of the Dragon .

Akira pulls the shadows in around her and the sword creating a darker version of herself . The being is over ten feet tall and kill anyone on impact.

The battle was intense. Both sides fighting to stay alive with Medusa sidestepping Akira's blows .

It lasted for a while until both were on their final footing. Medusa is bleeding deep from the cuts and Akira had trouble keeping that shadow in check .

Akira had to muster up the last remainder of power to kill the goddess.

This has to last .... It's got to .... For my friends ... My family...... And for you .... My brother...

Akira breathe in as the shadow covered her again . Her eyes looking like fire .

" Spare ..." Medusa tried to say as Akira hits her head on killing the Goddess in one blow .

She's done it . Finally ending that threat . Akira falls to the ground barely keeping together as the men that Medusa has also disappeared into ash .

" Akira !!!" Two voices ran up to her obviously concerned as Akira's sword disappears.

It's Kacy and Klaus . Both of them looking at her with worry and saddened expressions .

" Akira you stupid " Klaus crosses his arms before hugging his dumb friend with tears . " Never try to betray us you little shit ".

Kacy joins in . " I could of help you if you just allowed us to join. Your an idiot. " Kacy cries alongside her boyfriend hugging their friend .

Akira laughs but winced to the pain . " I know " I said as we shared this moment.



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