The Dream

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I found myself standing on a mountain, wolves surrounding me, a massive battle axe in my right hand. My left hand sat on one wolfs scarred head, scratching her behind her ears. The axe dripped blood. I tried to move forward, but I couldn't. It was like I had no control over this dream.

Bushes rustled in front of me, and I gripped the axe tighter. A man in a lime green hoodie, jeans, and a lime green headband emerged from the brush, a shiny blue sword in his hand. I relaxed.

"Martyn." I said, my voice sounding relieved. But he just stood there nervously.

"Martyn?" I asked, tensing up.

"I'm sorry, Pearl." He said, and the wolves started barking. I whirled around, blocking an otherwise fatal blow.

"Cleo? What are you doing?" I barked. Cleo and Martyn raised their blades.

"Only one pair is getting out of here, Pearl. And I tent to be pretty passionate about living." Cleo said as they circled. The wolves growled at them, surrounding me. I leaned down to the one I had been petting.

"Get Martyn, Tilley. I'll get Cleo." I whispered. Tilleys muscles bunched up, ready to pounce. She barked.

I stood, feeling a smirk grow on my face. I pointed the sword at Martyn.

"Go." I said, and as a pack, they pounced.

"Holy shit!" Martyn yelled, running and tripping. The dogs were on him instantly, and his screams echoed in my ears. Dream me smiled, lunging at a stumbling, bleeding Cleo. Grabbing her by the neck, I slammed her into a tree. Pure hate shone in her eyes.

"Anything to say before you kill me?" Cleo hissed.

"Something wicked... this way comes!" I screamed the last part as I sunk the blade into her chest. She gasped, blood spraying from her mouth. I dropped her, and a moment later her wiggling and Martyns screaming abruptly.

Tilley pranced up to me, panting and wagging her tail. She and the other wolves' snow white muzzles were coated in blood. I scratched behind Tilley's ears.

"Good girl." I smiled as another man emerged from the bushes, this one with a torn up red hoodie, torn up jeans, and had blue hair with red streaks in it. He froze when he saw the bodies.

"I was trying to find you... They betrayed me too. But... looks like you and the dogs took care of them." He said in a deep Scottish accent. I stood, and nodded.

"We won. Scott, we won." I said, and a burst of happy warmth filled my chest that was quickly replaced with a cold anger. I looked up into the smokey sky.

"Was it enough, Watchers?! Is it over?!" I screamed. Right as I said that, a brilliant white beam of light slammed into the ground, leaving as quickly as it left. A slip of paper sat in its place. I quickly picked it up, and saw the one, horrible word in the dead center:


"...Scott. I think..." I started, but he raised his hand to stop me.

"I know. I always had the feeling that it would be this way." He said, tensing up. I lifted my axe, taking a deep breath. He suddenly ripped his hoodie off, showing a vest of TNT. The detonator was in his hands.

"Scott...? What are you doing?" I asked nervously.

"You deserve to win more than me, Pearl." He said.

"Scott!" I yelled, running forwards. He was replaced by a ball of fire blasting me back. I heard the dogs howling as they got caught by the flames and I went flying. I slammed into a tree with a sickening crunch. My vision went fuzzy, and I knew I was dying. But I didn't panic. I just felt empty.

"Scott... after all that... why?" I said faintly as Tilleys crisped collar floated into my lap. I leaned my head back, a slight smile on my face. I coughed, blood spraying my white shirt and red cloak. A darkness crept further and further into my vision as all the pain left my body. Was this death? It wasn't so bad.

"Maybe I do forgive you after all, Scott..." I said, and the darkness overtook me.

Hey, it's me, Shōgun again lmao. Another two chapters in a day, and this one was one of Pearls dreams. Or could it be a memory? Anyways, thanks for reading this chapter,


Hermitcraft 8: Moonfall (to be rewritten soon)Where stories live. Discover now