Boss's Daughter

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"Goddammit" I said as I woke up getting ready to protect the Dutton Ranch from any kind of people. Being the most loyal hand ranch to John. As I head out to start working around from afar I see none other then developers looking at the ranch. "Oh no you don't sons of bitches" I whispered to my self. I started heading towards the main house getting off my horse. I see no one other than Beth Dutton in a robe smoking as I enter the house. Me and her have had our moments but never really acted on them instantly only once did we kiss.
"Where is your father?" I asked. Trying not to stare too much at her. But before she could respond she opened her robe slightly so cleavage would show. "Now is not the time for that Beth, where is John?" I said. As she came closer blowing smoke in my face "You nervous, Y/n" she said. I gulped just a little.

Beth POV:

" Y/n" i said seductively opening more my robe. Letting her know whether to walk away or take my invitation to an intimate moment with me. Instead of accepting it Y/n walks to my father's office. " You bastard" i yelled while slightly chuckling. I remember when we first met me and y/n bonded over our losses together in a barn remembering our first kiss as I touched my lips. I missed that spark I wonder if y/n misses it too. I know our story is meant to be . As I head upstairs to get ready I hear that developers were looking at the ranch. I rolled my eyes as i said "why do they keep trying."
Many have tried but none could convince us Duttons. Y/n would always scare them away and she looked hot doing it. After getting ready I head downstairs. I hear from my father's office that we may have a new worker to assist y/n. Hopefully they can take some time off y/n hands so i can make more moments with her on her own time.

A/n should i continue??

Yellowstone (Beth Dutton x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now