You Took Away My Friend (SW) // #9

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// angst again? yes, but does it feature the neighbors? may-haps. the title is referring to the song "Just Take My Wallet" by Jack Stauber.

‘Death: it's an inevitable, irreversible process that happens to every organism existing; doesn't necessarily have to apply for plants, insects, or birds. Humans and animals are an exception for this matter too. It's unpredictable, considering that it could happen at any given time; there's no specific date or setting on whenever this occurs. Not everyone can feel pain in their last hours, days, or weeks of life; it's different for everyone’.

It's all Eduardo could ever think about: the fact that Jon is now deceased will forever haunt him. It's the feeling of misery that takes a toll on his well-being to the point where he couldn't bear to walk by his old room. Likewise, it was too much for him. There've been times when he still thought his roommate was alive, it's the questionable manner of if he's still alive. After a while: the sudden realization kicked in. He's truly gone. Nothing could bring him back, and it was heart-wrenching; for this particular feeling it could be described as dreadful, even in dismay.

His interaction with Mark was temporary, he wanted to give his friend some space since his temper was limited; he couldn't even reply to a simple ‘how are you’ question without bawling his eyes out. But he didn't blame him. In the current situation they were in, Mark willingly checked up on Eduardo: instead of speaking to him, he just pulled him to his chest and kept him wrapped around; his hand gently grasping onto the other's hair as Eduardo buried his face into his chest. Neither one of them had to provide an explanation to one another, to which they understood about. Words aren't enough to express what somebody has gone through. It may not be enough either, sometimes the best thing the blonde male could do is be there for them, whether it'd be comforting him through a gloomy day or simply validating his feelings.

“You're allowed to grieve and mourn over people that were once involved in your life. Take as much time as you need, I know you'll never forget Jon, which is one-thousand percent acceptable. He'll always be around. Even if he's not physically present: just know that his presence will linger around, he's still here; in your mind, in your heart, wherever you go. Some days you may be in denial, maybe you're at fault for everything that has happened; it's all a part of the journey, in the end.”

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