Vamp! Matt x Fem! Reader: I'm Here for You (RQ) // #13

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// thank you insomniacghostartistofsortsperson for the request !! i took a small hiatus for quite some time and have been feeling sleep deprived for the most part, so why not make a chapter that revolves around it? the reader will be female and will be using she/they pronouns. there's hardly any drabbles of matt so here you go. <3 note: s/c = skin color

The sensibility of enervation lingered incessantly within this peculiar flesh and bones, the unremitting palpitation they were experiencing without any reservation made it mentally excruciating for Y/N; their wan s/c wasn't helping the case at all as their cheeks were rather flushed, their lips becoming chapped yet slightly bloody, in addition to their eyesight being unfocused. While their physical symptoms became more evident, they strived from the edge of their bed, voluntarily trying to get the courage to stand up. They couldn't persuade themselves to sleep. Their surroundings felt surreal, they weren't going to bother to question it; instead, they remained instilled.

Time passed by as every flatmate in the household took care of their own business, they didn't bother to check in on Y/N as they were preoccupied; nothing alarmed the boys at all, except for a specific Brit: he wanted to ramble on his day with her just to hear her voice; furthermore she was the only person who listened so intently to every word that exhaled out of his mouth. He had someone who showed enjoyment in hearing his conversations, it's what made him appreciate her the most; simple quality time with loved ones is the way to his heart. Matt knocked upon the door gently, his eyes pondering over to her when he came to the realization that she had fallen asleep and fell over. He released a gentle sigh, pushing the door open hastily as he walked over to her body and scooped her up in his arms; she snored shortly after.

Matt took his time to reposition Y/N onto their bed, wrapping the blanket around their body and fluffing the pillow; using his hand as a temporary replacement for her head to lean on until it was fixed. He then used his black cloth to wipe the excess blood from their lips, his sharpened fangs craved the scent and sight of it; yet he declined it. Once everything got settled, he left a small note on their bed frame.

'Please let me know if you ever need anything, alright? Talk to me about your day when you get up. Food will be waiting for you in the fridge. Sincerely, Matt'.

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