A request

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Jisoo entered the office and got chills from the extremely cold temperature that the professors were living in. Most students still wonder of how the Professors can withstand the temperature unfazed.

But it became easy to understand when a 10th Grade Jisoo delivering an essay passed by one of the Science professors walking down the hall with a furious face, smoke animatedly coming out of his head. It was hard to believe, and Jisoo thought she was dreaming, but passing by him and seeing it up close, Jisoo didn't know if she could hold back her laugh enough to not add alcohol to the already burning head. She swore the bald head could've fried an egg for lunch. As disgusting as it may sound, he wouldn't need oil to cook it. Recalling it again, Jisoo found herself snickering like an idiot and anyone who sees her like that would've thought she was weird.

Jisoo silently strutted towards the far end corner of the faculty room, facing the man who seem so engrossed watching Boku No Hero on his laptop. Jisoo tapped his shoulder, making him look up, hastily removing his earbuds as he simultaneously shut his laptop. He flashed a smile towards Jisoo to which she returned warmly.

Professor Kang really looked like a Kangaroo, and some of his mannerism only adds as a factor to justify his nickname "Kangaproof", coined by a student named Joy. Though, it's all only physical as he's a calm and approachable one. A very easy professor to warm up to, unlike the kangaroo's feistiness. In fact, Jisoo enjoys his class. Well, she had always enjoyed World History and Literature, which Kangaproof teaches, so it was easy for her to ace it. It was one of the two subjects that she doesn't miserably flunk at.

"So Jisoo, I heard you're failing all your subjects again except mine and Ms. Jung's?" The rhetoric certainly did quite a blow on Jisoo. Having to go through those agonizing hours of pretending to be paying attention in class only to end up failing and paying for the remedial class is probably the last thing Jisoo would want right now, especially because she's been trying to rack enough money for her college.

Kangaproof don't know how to be subtle though. He's a frank person, or maybe he just likes to get over with things so he could have more time watching his anime. It's not that he doesn't give much time and effort in assisting students, especially those under his advisory like Jisoo. He just doesn't go beating around the bush if he's supposed to convey the same message anyway.

"You wouldn't want to pay for remedials and spend your precious semesterly break inside the classroom, right?"

Jisoo answered by vigorously nodding her head. He may seem like the apathetic type, but Kangaproof is known to pay very close attention to students that he might as well know one secret from each. Aside from that, he had given students a chance to pass selected subjects, in return of a favor. Rumors float that the favors can be quite ridiculous, but nothing that's too farfetched for a simple student. For Jisoo though, she wouldn't really mind taking any ridiculous job, may it be harvesting the tomatoes behind Professor Kang's house or scooping out cow manure or even act out a stunt as a stunt man on a double-o-seven film.

"Then I've got a favor for you"

Jisoo contorted a serious face, trying her best to make it look like she's confident enough to do anything, even if it meant laying her life down for somebody

"Be the director for the upcoming student council winter play"

Jisoo froze on her spot. Director? No no no no no no no nonononononononono a big NO! Anything but that! She 'd rather die because the last thing she'd want is interact with a bunch of prideful people who thinks they're above everybody else! In fromt of the student council president at that!! NO!

It took Jisoo a few more seconds scrambling for words that could convince Kangaproof to give her something that she could stand

"Ahh! That really sounds exciting sir! But, like... do you have something else... maybe? Like, be their stunt man or... be their volunteer so they won't have to listen to me talk?" The amused laugh that Kangaproof made wasn't a good sign

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