An invitation

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As everyone packs up, she hears a couple of compliments from other council members, some ranging from Looking forward to working with you! Or Let's hangout some time!, all of which were words fueling her desire to make the play even more successful

Wendy approaches her, bags hanging on her shoulders, "Hey Jisoo. That idea about a musical and giving a chance for the choir club to sing on the play was genius by the way. We've been lacking members the past years and it was really nice to have this opportunity for promotion and it's all because of you"

"Oh, don't sweat it Seungwan... I just thought it would be perfect for the play" Jisoo says, smiling bright

"Hmm... I just noticed you got really beautiful eyes!" Seungwan says rather astonished "I've always thought you look quite attractive! Y'know, you should use contacts more often!" The flirting didn't go by unnoticed by the rest of the people in the room, which made Jisoo blush, especially since Jennie literally just heard what this girl was saying. Well, unless she was too busy entertaining Kai who had just entered the room to "swoon" over her.

"T-Thanks, Wendy" Jisoo lightly stutters, "I'm particularly enamored by your hair too you know... It was a shame when I saw you had it cut last week, but you look perfect with it anyway" She says with a smirk she unconsciously dons sometimes. She came up with that compliment in return, but she never intended for it to sound flirty. She can't exactly control her deep voice, can she?

"Hehe" Wendy giggles, "I'll see you around Soo" she says before leaving

"Damn Jisoo-unnie! You got game?! What else do I not know about you?!" Lisa says as soon as Wendy got out of the room. It was only the five of them now, with the addition of Kai waiting for Jennie to pack up, and with Jennie's noticeable annoyance with the gesture

"Ahh... It's not what you think Lisa. I really meant it as a compliment"

"Wow... From the heart? I should learn from you!" The response made Jisoo laugh, before Lisa continues, "Say, why don't you have lunch with us! Bring Chaeyoung along! I'm sure Jennie wouldn't mind, right Jen?" Lisa asks the girl who was quite busy trying to shoo Kai away.

"Yes Lisa can you please move away, Kai? I'm trying to do things here" The rest of her words were quiet, only loud enough for the lone guy in the room to hear. Jisoo hears Lisa gruntles, before muttering several curse words that Chaeyoung would definitely be flipping out for when she hears her say it.

"Let's just go Jisoo, Sooyoung will wait for them so don't worry about Jen" Jisoo was hesitant, but she let Lisa drag her nonetheless. Jisoo had every strength to rip Kai away from Jennie's proximity any time she wants, but she can't. She shouldn't. Nothing good comes out of interacting with him in public. Knowing him, he'd always have his upperhand against Jisoo. He just... knows too much. Not that Jisoo doesn't know too much herself. Though, at this rate, all Jisoo could do was go against her heart's desire and left them alone.

While leaving the room, Jisoo notices a very prominent smug look on Kai's face while staring at her. He knew what was up, and even though they've declared ceasefire, this man knows how to get into Jisoo's nerves. Not a lot of people knew what happened behind the scenes before that winter break, but Jisoo knew for sure it could spark back up any time.

As Lisa and Jisoo were walking down the stairwell, they met Chaeyoung on the way who seemed to be frantically looking for someone, that someone definitely being Jisoo. As she was in a hurry, she almost collided with Lisa, only stopping on her tracks when Jisoo called out to her

"Rosie!" Jisoo calls her with her English nickname happily

"Soo! I saw the council members go down and you still weren't out so I thought something happened to you" She says as she hugged Jisoo out of concern. She can't pretend like she didn't see Lisa beside her, but her concern for her friends reigns over her crush

"Hi Chaeyoung" Lisa greeted with a smile "Don't worry. I won't let anything bad happen to your unnie when I'm around!" She says while holding her arm out, gesturing to her biceps to which Chaeyoung blushed

"It's not like that Lisa. I know Jisoo can carry herself well. I'm more concerned about her getting into conflict with Kai since he's been hovering around the student council president these days." Jisoo's eyes widened at the statement. She doesn't know if it's Chaeyoung's incredible concern or because Lisa, her long time crush, is around her making her mind go blank, but she did not just hint on Jisoo possibly being very... very... VERY... concerned with the student council president. The silence dragged for awhile, to which made Chaeyoung's eyes widen in realization too

"Jisoo, you li-" Lisa says before getting interjected by Chaeyoung

"No!! It's me who she likes-! Ah, no I mean it's because of me! It's because you know!" It made everyone stop in their tracks. Jisoo didn't know if she wanted to laugh it all out watching her friend get flustered or smack Chaeyoung in the head for insinuating what shouldn't be insinuated, but she has to fix this somehow

"It's cuz Chaeyoung used to be Kai's target too Lisa" Jisoo says calmly, all while holding in a laugh and a sigh of disappointment "I often get very angry when I see him that its uncontrollable sometimes." Jisoo says all while omitting the rest of the story about her and Kai's conflict

"Oh... Oh! Right, I'm sorry I-... I'm sorry it happened to you Chaeyoung. I almost forgot all that fiasco last year happened"

"No, it's okay, I'm over it now. I brought it up and I got flustered over it"

The rest of the walk didn't go by awkwardly if it wasn't for Lisa's active engagement in conversation. She reiterated about the two joining lunch, and knowing Chaeyoung, she could never reject her.

This... was a crazy day. And I could only hope the rest wouldn't drag as long as this one did

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