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A/N: I know slowburns are kind of annoying and it makes me impatient as well but please, my loves. 🐻 with me. We're like, what? A third of the way there? Maybe?


It was 7 AM. Jisoo stood fidgeting in front of Jennie's house. Well, house isn't the best choice of word considering it's literally a whole mansion.

It wasn't anything grand. It was obvious that Jennie's parents were very rich people, but the choice of neighborhood and design of house was enough for Jisoo to tell they weren't lavish people. They seem to be living quite a humble life, and it in turn personified to their wonderful daughter Jennie Kim, their most humble creation of them all.

Jisoo has been stuck fiddling in front of the gated house though. She eyes the doorbell that stared back at her mockingly. Jisoo shakes her head. It's definitely all in the head. She knows that. But God, who isn't going to feel nervous at the likelihood of meeting your crush's mom?!

At the very least, she needs to make a good impressions, and what better way to appeal to a korean mom than a basket of fruits, one that Jisoo bought early in the morning from where she usually gets fresh ones.

Jisoo steels herself, closing her eyes immediately as soon as her fingers pressed on the doorbell and the faint buzzer resounds. She hears the door open and Jisoo takes a deep breath, wears her customer service smile and beams even more when a woman, My god a HOT woman, who looked somewhat like Jennie appeared

"G-Good Morning mother-In- La- I MEAN!! Mother! I mean Jennie's Mom! Wait are you maybe Jennie's sister? You look too young to be a mom" She was flustered. Jisoo just fucked up and now she's rambling. Thankfully, the woman was just laughing at her. Jisoo honestly couldn't tell if she were Jennie's mom or sister.

"You must be Jisoo!" The woman replies after a hearty laugh. "I'm Chaerin, Jennie's mom. You can call me Chaerin but I don't mind being called mother-in-law too" The wink after sent Jisoo into an even deeper spiral of embarrassment. "Come on in!"

"Thank you" Jisoo says as she walks right in and followed the woman throught the garden "And sorry I'm just really flustered this morning. I got some fresh fruits by the way. I got it from a trusted shop. I guarantee no worms or anything. And sorry for intruding on a weekend. It's our finals this Monday and we can't afford to slack off with studying and stuff"

"Wow so it's true that you ramble a lot huh?" Chaerin's insinuation that Jennie had mentioned her to her mother caught Jisoo off guard. Chaerin opens the door to their house with a chuckle, reaching out to take the gift Jisoo brought with her. "And thanks for this! You know you're not intruding when you're the one who came all the way here to tutor Jennie. If anything I should be thanking you! She's been waiting for you by the way. Her room's upstairs on the left. You go there and I'll delightfully eat your gift" Chaerin smiles at her

It was Jisoo's queue to go. Meeting Jennie's mom didn't go as smoothly as she'd hoped but she's glad the woman was very nice. 

Jisoo knocks on the door where Jennie's mom had told her about, and soon enough, Jennie opened it

"Jisoo! You're finally here!" Jennie greeted the older

"Hey. Nice house by the way"

"Well, you have my parents to compliment on that. Come in! We've got some regression to crack!"

Jisoo enters, and she was immediately greeted by a room filled with neutral colors. It was unexpectedly very Jennie, well- at least in reference to the Jennie she's known for the past couple of weeks they've been hanging out. It was also very cold too, which the older never took Jennie to be a cold weather person.

There were cute stuffed bears on the bed. Her vanity mirror of course was brimming with stuff, which Jisoo can only guess as perfumes and make up cuz she could honestly barely tell the purpose of any beauty product.

There were two door inside the room, one of which Jisoo guesses to be the toilet and the other... Yeah that's definitely a walk in closet, Jisoo says as she watches Jennie pull out an extra blanket

"Keep yourself warm with this! I like to keep the room extra cold when I'm studying"

Jisoo takes the blanket, a teasing smirk on her face "Yeah I can tell you need a very cold room when studying to neutralize the steam coming out of your head"

Jennie looked shocked, almost offended "There's no steam coming out of my head you liar!"

"How would you know when you can't even see your own head?" 

"You're just confusing it with the fog on your glasses you four eyes!"

Eventually, the teasing ceased and they fell into their usual studying rhythm. Jennie would ask questions while Jisoo flipped through her Chemistry book, to which Jennie would sometimes help her with when Jisoo gets stuck (which is all the time)

"God!" Jisoo sighs exasperatingly, feeling her eyes strain from all the reading. "I'm so done with this!" She takes her glasses off, the ridge of her nose and the back of her ears throbbing from where her glasses sat. 

When she refocuses back on her work, she finds Jennie staring at her. She feels Jennie's eyes on her's, and Jisoo looks back, stressed enough not to care too much about her rapidly beating heart at the thought of her secret crush staring at her.

Unexpectedly enough, they were eye to eye, but it didn't feel like Jennie was looking at her. It felt more like she was being observed. Jisoo tilts her head in wonder, waving a hand in front of Jennie who bordered lost in thought and just existing in space.

"Yoohoo? What's wrong?" Jisoo says, and Jennie finally snaps back to really look at her. Jennie's eyebrow scrunches

"You can see me?"

"Jennie, I'm not actually blind. I just have a very minor visual impairment called astigmatism" Jennie rolls her eyes at the older's sarcasm

"And here I was thinking your eyes looked really pretty when you don't look down or hide it behind that foggy glasses of yours" Jisoo's heart flutters at the compliment. She's heard it from Chaeyoung before but it just hits different with Jennie.

"Should I start wearing contacts instead then?" Jisoo says in excitement, the thought of Jennie getting lost in thought in her eyes sending a ticklish feeling at the pit of her stomach. "Maybe even get lasik-"

"No!" Jennie abruptly says, the attempt at discouragement all but sounding more like an insult. Jisoo looked hurt, smile fading, and Jennie felt bad as soon as she realized what she had done. "I mean... Lasik is really scary... There's lasers and all that stuff and you'll have to be blindfolded for like 10 days... You can't shower, pet your dog and worse- see me!" Jennie says while pouting.

Jisoo laughs, and all the curiosity about Jennie's incessant discouragement of getting rid of her glasses had all but died down with how much she thought Jennie was adorable.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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