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The next day, everything was of routine to Jisoo. Aside from changes in her weekly schedule related to student council play meetings, her scheduler was almost the same as she had planned it to be for the rest of the year.

In the morning, she wakes up to cook breakfast, puts her mother to sleep, do mundane tasks, jogs, takes a quick shower, walks to Chaeyoung's apartment, walks to school, do her morning classes, then it was lunch.

Due to Chaeyoung having a literal abyss for a stomach, she would always drag Jisoo to arrive at the canteen early. Chaeyoung would always have two trays in both hands. Although Chaeyoung may be a beast for food, they're always healthy and perfectly balances the amount of energy she burns in a day. She dances and sing after class, so she needs a lot of energy from lunch consumption. This may also explain why she has a body to die for, all while not putting much effort into working out.

Out of habit, they ended up at the table on the second floor, even though Lisa had invited them to their table during lunch. They didn't want to get ahead of themselves after all. It may sour their mood if they forgot, though they knew they weren't really the type of people. When the door opens once again, Jennie and Lisa came through along with the rest of their friends. Lisa notices the absence of the two girls whom had promised lunch with them at their known table, and Jisoo takes note of the fact that Lisa knew immediately where they would be without a second thought of looking elsewhere.


Lisa gestured for them to come down, though it was quite embarrassing to do now with Chaeyoung devouring her avocado toast. Wait, avotoast for lunch? Jisoo thought, but she digresses.

Lisa gets ahold of Jennie, who seemed a bit out of it, to look at Jisoo's table. She seemed to get the hint Lisa was trying to rope her in and gestured for them to come down too. Well, now I've really got to come down, Jisoo thought

"Jisoo.... I can literally read your face... Like, can you not crawl around her feat like that? You literally look like you would give her your savings if she asked you to" The remark made Jisoo blush, but she gestured for the younger to follow anyway, and that they did.

"Jisoo! Chaeyoung! Come! Come!" Lisa says in the most welcoming way before introducing them to the people at their table, "Guys, you probably know them already but they're Jisoo and Chaeyoung. Jisoo, Chaeyoung, they're our friends- Yerin, Nayeon, Bobby, and Mino! They're cool, so I hope you guys don't feel awkward around them!" Jisoo highly doubted they will, considering how Lisa could overwhelm any awks with just a bit of her talking

The two girls greeted them a quiet nice to meet you's before sitting down at their 8 people table, as if they were the missing piece to it. As they were eating, Jisoo can't help but notice Jennie has been down ever since arriving to lunch. The meeting ended well yesterday though, and she seemed to agree well with Jisoo's suggestions, and unless Kai was the one who had ruined her day, she didn't think it'd be bad enough to last until the next day. As much as Kai is troublesome, she knows he wouldn't do anything extremely upsetting. Jisoo looked at Lisa and gesturing to Jennie as if to ask her quietly if she's okay

"Hm? Oh- ahh... She's down because she couldn't understand jackshit about statistics. It's the only subject she almost failed last semester and, well, she seems to be heading to absolute failure this time as well. No one in this table is good at it either. We just let our other subjects pull our grade up but obviously, little miss top student here wouldn't let a single subject go" The title made Jennie smack Lisa lightly before pouting, which totally made Jisoo hold back a smile, trying not to look like she found her situation funny. It was obviously cuz I thought she looked cute.

On the other hands, Chaeyoung was absentmindedly listening to Lisa, so she just blurted out whatever came to mind, much to Jisoo's chagrin "Jisoo unnie's really good at maths you know"

This earned the interest of Jennie and Lisa, as well as a wide-eyed Jisoo, Noooooo Don't start complaining about it now!! "She's soooo good at it that I started understanding business concepts like compound interest, mutual bonds, calculating depreciation, and all the likes. She also taught me some statistics, and mind you, I'm an art student! I don't need all that!" Ohh... Jisoo knew Chaeyoung could ramble days on and on about how she finds it an inconvenience, and other than that, the last thing she wants is to be seen as a maths nerd in front of Jennie. It did earn a smile from Jennie (and Lisa) though

"Really?!" Lisa asks excitedly to which Chaeyoung nodded very incessantly

"Yeah! I remember we started with Mean, median, ranges and all that because she kept making jokes about herself being so mediocre her percentile rank in the whole school she calculated herself is 50% flat... Which is too good considering she's failing almost all her subjects mind you!" Lisa looked astonished, and even more so with Jennie's look on her face. The retelling of an old joke was very embarrassing, especially since it wasn't even funny to any other normal human being, so Jisoo hid herself behind her glasses before slowly sinking in with her nerdy being

"Jisoo!" She hears Jennie call her name, voice so angelic to her ears she almost thought being embarrassed like that was worth it, "Please teach me stat!"

Wait.. what?!

Meanwhile on another table, a group of guys gathered around looking at Jisoo's direction

"God I'm telling you. You just have to look close enough and you'll see she looks pretty beyond belief! She'd be really popular if she just take off her glasses and-"

"Seriously Mark? She's so plain and has no sense of fashion whatsoever." Another guy cuts him off, trying to convince Mark out of his fantasy "I don't know why THEE Park Chaeyoung is friends with her, right Jaehyun?"

"Yeah" The guy named Jaehyun replies. "Taeyong's right, Mark. And now she's on Jennie's table. I heard she's not even rich! She even works her ass off that cafe for food on the table! She got to have some thing up her slea-"

"Hey. You two need to shut up." Mark cuts them off "Not just because I know she's pretty, but haven't you heard one of the secret rumors?" Mark leans in on them both, covering the side of his mouth as if it'll help keep his voice low enough for only the other two to hear "Anyone who talks shit about her ends up bloodied punched out of their lives. Even a simple utter of a bad word under your breath, they always get knocked out somehow." He says threateningly, even though it sounded more like a ghost story

It was true, however, and there are many accounts of people getting at least one punch to the face whenever they say something bad about her. They're saying Jisoo is loved by God himself. But that seemed a bit too extreme, and if God loved her so, why'd he make her... plain and boring? So everyone just stuck to saying it might've been just a coincidence, so some people let their mouths run wild.

Regardless, both Taeyong and Jaehyun covered their mouths as if they'd never said anything at all.

"Hey you guys. What're you talking about?" Another guy arrives, Kai.

"Dude. Mark just said he thinks Jisoo is pretty if you look at her close enough. Crazy right?" Taeyong starts with his chismoso virus.

Kai's eyes narrows, eyebrows knitted in annoyance at hearing the sentence "Yeah. He is quite crazy." He comments in annoyance before sitting "Why is she the topic of your discussion anyway?" 

Jaehyun gestures at Jennie's usual table "As if being friends with Miss Park isn't enough, she's now being cozy with Lisa and the gang. Ridiculous right?" He says, making Kai look over the said table with a quick head turn to spot Jisoo being, in fact, at that table

Kai's jaws tighten, mumbling about she better stay away from her that was barely hard to catch if it weren't for Jaehyun's perceptive ears. As he was about to stand up as if to go over Jennie's table, he feels a vibration in his pocket. He reaches out for his phone, reading the message before making a tsk

"I'll have to skip lunch. Duty calls" He says before turning around for the cafeteria door

"His dad again?" 

"He really can't catch a break sometimes."

Jisoo on the other hand looks at his retreating back, a bitter taste in her mouth surfacing- and all she could do is sigh and eat her lunch.

PurposeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora