The Council

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So Jisoo might've regreted it. Well, sort of.

She wasn't exactly a fan of the rich, stuck-up bitches in the student council, much less its volunteers, aside from Jennie of course. Though, Chaeyoung did say her impression was far from the truth, considering she's never actually talked to any of them. Which was true, and she had to mind the fact that she was acting like the last person she wanted to be: a judgmental self-entitled brat.

Nonetheless, she had already gotten an overview of the play. Although she had to give her afternoon classes up to scheme through it, none was written that seemed impossible to her for an Arts Highschool play. She'd marked down points that she deemed crucial to the plotline and wanted to address the very foundation of every aspect of acting, direction, plot, production, and even marketing.

It all seems like she's very into proving herself and making this play an absolute success. Well, yes, it was absolutely important for Jisoo to make sure Jennie wouldn't be disappointed, but more than anything, she's more concerned that if Jennie or anyone in the Student Council were to be disappointed, they'd call up some... guy to take her place. It seems it had become a bigger issue to her than the fact that her grades quite literally rely on this one chance.

Jisoo simply could not stand another thought of him working with Jennie.

When she arrived at the conference room for the briefing, the first thing she'd been greeted by were murmurs. She could hear them perfectly despite their mediocre effort to keep it down. Well, maybe they were meaning to let Jisoo hear of it

"Isn't she that girl that's always with Chaeyoung? Are we sure she could be a director? I thought she was in business!"

"I know! I heard Kangaproof was the one who specifically asked for her, but it seems Jennie also has her stamp of approval for it"

"Man, I doubt the other volunteers and actors would even listen to her, considering she doesn't look like she knows what to do"

"I've never even heard her speak before!"

She didn't pay much mind to the murmurs, though it had slightly discouraged her. They were right, the volunteers and actors likely won't listen to her, especially with her lack of reputation and authority in school. She doubted anyone would even give her the floor to speak, and she could imagine them talking over her instead.

Jennie was yet to be seen in the room, and the first to approach her was Lisa. "Hi, Jisoo!" She says in the friendliest way Jisoo has ever heard her.

"Hello, Lisa", She says as she returns her a smile while fixing her crooked glasses

"You can sit over there in the middle. Jennie and the others are on their way. They just got held back due to cleaning duty" Lisa says while leading her to her chair and proceeding to sit beside her.

Despite being in the popular side herself, Lisa was one of the rich people that Jisoo tolerates. She wasn't stuck up, and neither does she discriminate. No one has ever seen her roll her eyes ever, and she has a certain charm that just... pulls you in. Which is why Jisoo never questioned Chaeyoung's very sincere, borderline familial, care for Lisa.

Jisoo gives her thanks, while observing the white board in front containing points for the meeting. The other council members continue to murmur, yet she ignores them. She turns to Lisa as she points to the board's contents

"Are we sure we're asking the Arts and Crafts Org. to do this year's properties and proponents again?" She asks, her head tilted

"Well... It's not like there's anyone else we can ask to do them"

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