Chapter I - Part I: You're going to Lothorin.

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Interviewer: Right, whenever you are ready...

Foxey: I was a maverick working for the American air force, I dropped bombs, I fought in wars.

Interviewer: Right yeah. When did this all happen? 

Foxey: Around 2 years ago.

Interviewer: That would make you...

Foxey: 27.

Interviewer: Right... Start at the very beginning.

Foxey: Right, I was born on-

Interview: Not that far...when you were sent.

Foxey: Ahh. It all started when I was seemingly doing nothing in my office...I had nothing to do. Colonel came in, I got nervous, because I wasn't doing good previously.


Colonel Geoff: CCampers... My office, now.

Foxey: That's weird, I never get called to his office, I usually go in by request.


I arrived into the office infront of the Colonel's desk, all of his main achievements where sitting on that very desk. for fighting in Vietnam, fighting in most of the later years in the cold war and even for that terrorist war after 9/11...


Colonel Geoff: Salute. And stand at ease.

Foxey: Yes, Sir.

Colonel Geoff: Profile check...You're name is Foxey CCampers. Correct?

Foxey: Affirmative, Sir.

Colonel Geoff: You're 27, correct?

Foxey: Yes, Sir.

Colonel Geoff: Did you not commit manslaughter on a police officer having sexual intercourse with a female Prostitute, in London, United Kingdom?

Foxey: No, Sir.

Colonel Geoff: Were you not in 2025 condemned as a convict from By His Majesty's Armed Forces?

Foxey: Sir...I am unaware of such rumors that you have questioned me to be true or false, nor would I get myself to be included in such situations, Sir.

Colonel Geoff: Hm...Nevermind that anyways, kids these days on the internet I assume?

Foxey: Most certain, Sir.

Colonel Geoff: You probably maybe thinking why you are here after so much pestering.

Foxey: I was assuming that, yes sir.

Colonel Geoff: You're lucky enough that I did call you in here, a few more bust-ins to my office I would've had you re-signed. Heheh...

Foxey: Hah...So... Why did you bring me to your office, sir?

Colonel Geoff: You...are to be assigned for a mission CCampers... Involving a war... There are these Militias and armies going amok... You are to be sent to a town that has Been critically affected by these such armies.

Lothorin (CLOSED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant