Chapter II - Part II: Full Reconciliation

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Now was the night Me and Jess changed Leo. From the two days we stayed with him. It was nothing but bloodshed and gore. Something you'd see out of a RATED R movie. Pure mayhem it was, and it was not needed.


Leo: Right let's get this son of a bitch out of here. There's a port that we can dump him at. Very deep so they won't find anything.

Foxey: Now...are you finished being a psychopath.

Leo: Oh fuck off Foxey...don't need this.

Foxey: Hey! It's gotten up to a point that you being a psychopath not only harm others but yourself, literally!

Leo: Look just forget about it! It happened!

Foxey: Yeah it did, but there is no way I'm forgetting this. I hit you in the eye and look what happened! You lost a fucking eye!

Leo: Maybe it's because the fact you got angry because I was winding you up which is a stupid thing to get angry of and then turns into a fight and now which you blind me, In my right eye and the fact I lost nearly everything when I was a child is the obvious reason why I am ILL! SO CAN YOU SEE WHY IM SO FUCKING CRAZY?!

Jess: Hey guys, Look! Things are obviously getting out of hand here! Let's all calm down! And try to think this through. Leo, you need to change how you speak and how you act. Because frankly you are probably the most craziest person I have ever had eye contact with. Right now Foxey is the only person I trust! I mean...the things he has been telling me ever since he met you. Stick rifles down corpses throats. And the one I seen, you just slicing those soldiers, throwing them out of windows and slicing their arm off.

Foxey: has to stop. You''re fucking nuts.


He just looked at me and Jess...


Leo: Alright...I just can't stop easily. It's what I was like when killing those two soldiers. Just seeing my parents shot and burnt...

Foxey: You told me this too many times.

Leo: I know but just listen... everytime I just thought about it I could've just done sometime to stop it from happening...

Foxey: Eh?

Leo: That's why I kill when it's necessary. I don't trust someone, I kill them. You were the first friends I've had ever since I came here. I promised I wouldn't let anybody I like, to be hurt without revenge. They were my fucking parents, guys. They did so much for me and I did nothing in return, not even help them...

I'm Sorry...


He finally let it out, That was the exact reason why he was Crazy, just trying to let his friends go on unharmed. That was the night we became best friends.


Foxey: Yeah...look don't worry about it alright?

Leo: I won't let it happen again. I just don't look at myself sometimes...

Foxey: Look, I'm not gonna tell you to raise a child, I'm not gonna tell you to be the most matured person in this town but I will say this, remember you have friends.

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