Chapter I - Part II: The Storm and Lothorin

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It was just grey sky and water, and water and even more water. 


Foxey: Are we there yet?

Phil: No we are not there yet, now for the hundredth time, Shut up!

Foxey: Ugh, Are we nearly nearly there yet?

Phil: You'll be nearly there in around four hours tops, happy?

Foxey: Ah that's all you had to say. Thanks mate.

Phil: Jesus christ...can you shut up now? I mean, you're a great laugh and everything, but knock it off!

Foxey: Hehehehhh Alright, alright...


Ah...pissing him off was the only thing to keep my boredom moderate. But then I seen it. I seen what seemed to be a massive, dark cloud, and it was loud. Two hours later, it's dark, pissing down rain, thunder and large waves like small tsunamis. The boat is very unstable.


Phil: Shit! Gotta! Get it! Right!

Foxey: Jesus fucking christ this is mayhem!


Then at that moment, the boat capsized, I'm in the water almost instantly, Phil is too. He's struggling to swim, he can't get up to the surface. I'm panicking trying to swim, waving your arms and legs around in the water gets you tired, and unfortunately, it's what happened to me. I was passed out.


I'm woken up by blue sky and waves moving around next to me, next second, I'm puking so much water out that if I drank a water bottle with all that water in me, I would've died, I'm one lucky son of a bitch.


Then I heard my radio going off, It was the Colonel. 


Colonel Geoff: CCampers, do you copy? Over.

Foxey: Yes, Sir...

Colonel Geoff: What the hell happened? Why isn't the Lieutenant with you not answering his radio.

Foxey: We went through a storm. Boat capsized, I passed out. I don't know where he is sir.

Colonel Geoff: Ah...Right... Where are you now?

Foxey: On some beach. Near a town.

Colonel Geoff: That so? Find the police station, it may say it's name.


Don't know why the Colonel was interested where I was... Suppose it was to do with the mission. I slowly get back on my feet and begin walking to the town. The town seems alright here... But I do see a lot of spec ops, at a gas station... I stumble upon the Police Station.

"Lothorin Police Department".


Lothorin (CLOSED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon