Chapter I - Part IV: The Masked Lady

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I woke up. First time I ever woke up away from home or the base. I never had a friend who would invite me over for sleepovers. It felt weird, and unsafe. I seen that Leo was staring out the window on the street, he was looking at someone.


Foxey: Morning. What are you looking at?

Leo: That person down there.

He pointed to what looked like a woman wearing a mask with a sad expression engraved on it.

Foxey: The one wearing the mask?

Leo: Yeah, why do they wear those?

Foxey: Cosplaying or how you express your feelings are my only guesses.


After looking at her for sometime, she looked up straight at us. Holy hell it was freaky, you know that feeling when you look at someone for long and they look at you back, frightens the shit outta you, We fell on our backs. We got back up and she was gone. Weird...


Leo: Jesus... Frightened me...

Foxey: She's gone, what's up with her?

Leo: Stop asking things like I'm google or some shit!

Foxey: Hey look I know I'm annoying but sometimes I desire answers!

Leo: You want an answer? You're beginning to FUCKING DRIVE ME NUTS!

Foxey: Will you calm down lad?! You already nearly got yourself killed as hostage yesterday because you were loud!

Leo: Are you gonna stop being annoying?

Foxey: I was asking a question! 

Leo: You ask too many!

Foxey: Fine I'll stop being "Annoying"

Leo: Grand!


What a confused man, but chances I knew I was gonna be very good friends with him. We looked out the window, she was there and staring right into our souls.


Foxey: There she is again.

Leo: Now I'M curious. She's just looking at us as if she has some sort of vendetta against us. I don't feel right saying this but, should we kill her?

Foxey: Why...why would you even come up with that? She's unarmed.

Leo: You can't trust anyone in this town anymore. Welcome to Lothorin, the dosage of Paranoia.

Foxey: She's gone again. 

Leo: The hell is this world coming to?

Foxey: It's this town that's turning into a war field.

Leo: Yeah well don't worry, this war field will be ours. That U.O group we took care of last night, they won't even think about coming back at us after what we did with the corpses.


What Leo was talking about was after we killed every man in that group, he cut open their necks and shoved their guns down them. He was some crazy bastard. Back then it was survival of the fittest, Leo took no bullshit in that. If he had a friend he would actually care for them instead of abandoning them, Looks like I was the first.


Leo: We're running out of supplies. We should probably grab more. Ammo, food and more weapons.

Foxey: Alright.


We walked down the apartment, we're met by that masked lady again this time she was right next to us at the entrance, mother of god was it creepy just to see her appear out of nowhere. 


Leo: Jesus christ! You scared the shit out of us.

???: Jeez, sorry. Why were you looking at me from up there?

Leo: Why are you wearing a mask?

???: That's...none of your business...

Leo: Actually, why did you look at us?

???: I don't know, am I forbidden to do so?

Leo: No but when you look at somebody through a window I can say it's rather uncomfortable and creepy don't you think the same, yeah?

???: I'm new around here! I don't know what goes on or who am I to look at.

Foxey: You look young enough to have a family. Do you have family?

???: Not here, no.

Leo: Friends?

???: No.

Foxey: Place to stay?

???: New around here. So no.


We looked at each other considering whether we should leave her. Don't know what she'll do. A war is going on so she may get killed. 


Foxey: Wanna...come with us? Until you know what you wanna do?

???: Um...Okay.

Foxey: I'm Foxey, and this is Leo. Just met him yesterday.

Jess: I'm Jessica, but you can call me Jess, or Jessie, I don't mind.

Leo: Nice to meet ya lass.

Foxey: We were just going to get supplies. Suppose you wanna come with?

Jess: Sure!


I know, friending Jess was very short term. I don't know what got into Leo that time, he went from Being serious to her and then becoming a friend and like welcoming her in, apparently he had autism. Anyway That was us, Me, Leo and Jess. Who knew it would end with all three of us being great friends. If it only it didn't end tragic...Oh sorry, fast forwarding a bit. 


Interviewer: Uh-huh yeah, and tell me. Could she fight?

Foxey: Why'd you ask?

Interviewer: Well it's just, you were in a war obviously you needed to have someone trained In combat for survival, yeah?

Foxey: I didn't take Jess as much as a fighter, she liked to keep out of dangerous things, she was a chill one.

Interviewer: I see, continue.

Foxey: Next bit is pretty...moving.


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