Chapter II - Part I: Discovering the Army

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What a night...Leo was passed out drunk, blood stains everywhere and two corpses. Me and Jess couldn't get any sleep. I had no energy to carry Leo to another place to stay, so we did the most responsible thing in this situation, put him under the shower...


Foxey: Help me pick this moron up...

Leo: Ugh, don't be an ass...

Foxey: Hate to do this...


I turned the shower on, it was freezing and I could Hear Leo just yelling. That was one hilarious moment I'm not lying. It took him a while to get his head together before we left to find another place. That's when we saw what I came here for. The Brotherhood.


Foxey: You know them?

Leo: Yeah...They are the Brotherhood, an army or so they call themselves. I call them corrupt. They just came around this county, they are looking to liberate it soon.

Foxey: I think they are my mission...

Leo: That so? What's your mission again?

Foxey: Assist this town, or stop a war.

Jess: Well, are you?

Foxey: That's why I'm here.

Leo: I hate them as much as you do. If you hate them.

Foxey: I don't hate anyone yet. We'll see what they are like...but right now let's just focus on getting some place.

Leo: Alright...


After hours of searching we found a place to stay, another apartment, this was a nice one, it was next to a computer store. We went up and the first one we see is absolutely amazing, very modern, and somehow untouched. I miss that place, I'd go again, if didn't turn to rubble...


Leo: This looks beautiful...Perhaps we should stay here...Just hope no U.O comes back, after that stunt I did last night...

Foxey: Yeah...Why did you do that?

Leo: Tell you another time...but for the moment, let's settle down in this place.

Jess: Yep! Now If both of you would excuse me, I'm going to pass out...

Leo: Alright...Welp, this is our new home...We can see the beach and everything...

Foxey: Do I need to remind you we are in some apocalypse?

Leo: It's not bad, but I just don't trust that Brotherhood...

Foxey: Don't worry about them now. 

Leo: Oh yeah? First second you reminded me were in an apocalypse, and now you just change your tone in saying "Don't worry, everything's fine, we'll return to our mommies and daddies" Make your mind up!

Foxey: What's your problem?! Haven't you learned manners?

Leo: Learn it by who? I lost my parents, I didn't go to school, I have no manners! The only education I received was survival and how to shoot a gun!

Lothorin (CLOSED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora