Chapter II - Part III: An unexpected Reunion

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Foxey: Sorry, but I don't think I'm ready to say anymore for today, I need to be alone for awhile...

Interviewer: I see...Tough times can often get you exhausted as they are so long, judging by your story, this will be longer than "The Return of the King", Anyways...I shall continue with you tomorrow, yes?

Foxey: Yes...have a good night...


This was going to be a tough few days, hell maybe even weeks... Why did this man want to interview me in the first place? For his own idea of a book, He better not of. This story is far too graphic to be told in a book. Anyways, I decided to watch a film that we watched back in Lothorin, it was an old movie, "Lawrence of Arabia".

Halfway through the film I was nearly dead asleep, what woke me up was the doorbell, who wants to meet me at this hour? It's nearly midnight! I strolled over to the door trying to look awake. I opened the door to a silhouette figure saying nothing, all we did was stare at each other until one of us spoke.


???: Are you Foxey CCampers?

Foxey: That depends, who are you?

???: Are you him or not?

Foxey: Jesus christ. Yeah I'm him, what do you want at this hour?

???: Wanted to say hello again old friend.


I recognized that voice, it was Jessica, it's been so long since I've had a friend come visit me, especially if it was after a government concerning war.


Foxey: I...thought you were dead.

Jess: What made you think that? You think I can't take care of myself?!

Foxey: You still even have the silly childish enthusiasm back when we was all together, me, you and Leo! C'mon In!


She came In after me and looked at the film a bit, All the screen showed was the four men walking down with the "INTERMISSION" logo at the bottom. Thank god I paused that movie, I was waiting to get my hands on it for a long time.


Foxey: Do you want anything to drink? Like I have Tea and coffee.

Jess: Coffee please, I'm tired...I noticed you're watching Lawrence of Arabia!

Foxey: Heh, making that two cups of coffee, I'm half dead watching that film...Too damn long. Anyway what brings you here?

Jess: I wanted to visit you after such a battle we had.

Foxey: That's sweet, it really is nice to see you again, I've missed you a lot, I actually was thinking of calling you.

Jess: But then you went and slumped onto your sofa and watch a near four-hour film...

Foxey: Hey! It's nostalgic, remember us three watched it back in that war? 

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